The Great War: Part 3. A. C. Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. "The Great War" is a monumental six volumes description of the events of World War I. Doyle did a great job interviewing numerous soldiers and generals, reading their letters and diaries to get a
639 руб
Полный курс английского языка. М.Г. Рубцова В книге представлена вся необходимая информация для изучения английского языка (включая самые важные сведения по фонетике). Грамматический материал дается
Men of Iron. Howard Pyle Говард Пайл - знаменитый американский детский писатель и талантливый художник-иллюстратор."Железный человек" - это один из самых известных экранизированных
The Stoic. Dreiser T. Stoic is a novel by Theodore Dreiser, whose main character is Frank Cowperwood, a businessman based on the real tycoon Charles Yerkes. Cowperwood, still married to his estranged wife Aileen, lives with Berenice. He decides to move to London, England, where he intends to take over and develop the
539 руб
Two Short Stories. Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. As the title suggests, this book serves as the collection of two entertaining short stories written by one of the most famous authors of the nineteenth century: "The Bravoes of Market Drayton" and
206 руб
Speakout Elementary Flexi Coursebook 1 Pack: Book 1 Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the
Speakout: Intermediate Workbook (+ CD-ROM) Speakout has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide and BBC Learning English. Speakout is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that builds confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support
Читать, писать, говорить по-английски. С. П. Дугин Знать иностранный язык - это значит уметь читать, писать и, конечно, говорить на нем. Одна из самых распространенных ошибок у людей, пытающихся разговаривать на
162 руб
Английский язык. Таблицы глагольных форм Данное справочное пособие всемирно известной фирмы PONS содержит самую важную информации о спряжении английских глаголов. Подробно рассмотрено образование
219 руб
Dr. Faustus Кристофер Марло - известный английский поэт, драматург XVI века, благодаря которому в Англии получил распространение и признание публики белый стих. "Трагическая
171 руб
"The Ransom of Red Chief" and Other Stories. О. Генри Читать О.Генри в оригинале по силам только «продвинутым». Эту адаптацию мы сделали специально для тех, кто не очень давно изучает английский. Вы поймете все шутки и
183 руб
A Clockwork Orange. Antony Burgess Энтони Берджесса - английского прозаика, поэта, литературоведа, лингвиста и композитора - по праву называют одним из величайших интеллектуалов своего времени.
Ayesha. The Return of She. Haggard H.R. Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set mostly in Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. Ayesha, the Return of She is a gothic-fantasy novel by Haggard, published in 1905, as a sequel to his far more popular and well known novel, She. Horace Holly and
539 руб
Collected Short Stories I: An Exciting Christmas Eve. Doyle A.C. Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. This book is a wonderful collection of selected short stories like "That Veteran," "The Winning Shot" and "An Exciting Christmas Eve or, My Lecture on
301 руб
The Snow-Image and Other Tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist, dark romantic, and short story writer. This volume includes such amazing three amazing stories "Fanshawe", "The Snow-Image" and "The New Adam and
Портрет Дориана Грея. О. Уайльд В книгу вошел адаптированный текст романа Оскара Уайльда "Портрет Дориана Грея".Несмотря на то, что роман написан в конце XIX в., по своей проблематике он остро
132 руб
Wing-and-Wing; or, Le feu-follet / Блуждающий огонёк. James Fenimore Cooper James Fenimore Cooper was a prolifi c and popular American writer of the fi rst half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. The Wing-and-Wing; Or, Le Feu-Follet is a 1842 sea novel by James
Tales of the Jazz Age VIII. F. S. Fitzgerald F. S. Fitzgerald was an American writer, whose works illustrate the Jazz Age. Tales of Jazz Age VIII is a collection of brilliant short stories, including Two Wrongs and an ironic The Night of Chancellorsville in which a trainload of light ladies is catapulted unawares into the realities of the
189 руб
Outcomes Elementary with Access Code and Class DVD Real situations, real language, real outcomes. The second edition of Outcomes is the only course that is consistently focused on helping students achieve the real world communicative outcomes they want and need. This lexically rich course emphasises students’ need to have the conversations in
The Black Robe. Collins W. Wilkie Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. The Black Robe is an 1881 epistolary novel. In this story of relationships, psychological contortion, and deceit, a priest comes between an impressionable man and the young woman he loves. Collins is best known for
569 руб
Soldiers Three. Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. "Soldiers Three" is a collection of short stories. The three soldiers of the title are Learoyd, Mulvaney and Ortheris, who had also appeared previously in the collection "Plain Tales from the
395 руб
The Last Boer War (Последняя бурская война). H. Rider Haggard Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer, largely of adventure fiction, but also of non-fiction. The eighth child of a Norfolk barrister and squire, through family connections he gained employment with Sir Henry Bulwer during the latter’s service as lieutenant-governor of Natal, South Africa.
335 руб
The Rescue. Conrad J. Joseph Conrad was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. The Rescue depicts Civil war that rages between the native tribes of the Malay straits. Captain Tim Wingard sides with the Rajah Hassim. An English yacht blunders into this
Crotchet Castle - Замок капризов.. Peacock T.L. Thomas Love Peacock (1785-1866) was an English novelist, poet, and official of the East India Company. In "Crotchet Castle" he did no less for the political economists, pitting his gifts of exaggeration and ridicule against scientific progress and March of
247 руб
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. W. Irving Ирвинг Вашингтон - американский писатель-романтик XIX века, которого часто называют "отцом американской литературы".Многократно экранизированная повесть "Легенда
Чудеса страны Оз / The Magic of Oz. Л. Фрэнк Баум Книга представляет собой две адаптированные части знаменитого сказочного цикла американского детского писателя Лаймена Фрэнка Баума о Волшебной стране Оз. Эта
The Confidence-Man. His Masquerade. Melville H. Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American poet and novelist of the American Renaissance, best known for his allusive adventure novel "Moby-Dick." "The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade" is the ninth and the final large poem of the author. Onboard the boat floating down the Mississippi to New
429 руб
Three Ghost Stories. Dickens C. Charles John Huffam Dickens (1812-1870), also known as "Boz," was the foremost English novelist of the Victorian era, as well as a vigorous social campaigner. The greatest writer - he was acclaimed for his rich storytelling and memorable characters, and achieved massive worldwide popularity in his
183 руб
The Holy Flower. H. Rider Haggard Brother John, who has been living in Africa for many years, gives Allan Quatermain the largest orchid he has ever seen. Later, in England, he has a meeting with Mr. Somers, an orchid collector who is prepaired to finance an expedition to search for the plant Join Allan as he sets out to find this