IELTS Listening: Level 5.5 - 7.5 (+ 3CD) TIMESAVER FOR EXAMS is a series of supplementary photocopiable materials for teachers preparing students for the Cambridge suite of exams. They provide a rigorous yet motivating approach to exam preparation with a range of activities covering all aspects of the target exam, including tips on
1479 руб
Oxford Dictionary of Current English Oxford Dictionary of Current English: Find what you need quickly - clear and easy to understand. Get extra help with spelling with hundreds of notes on tricky words. Keep up to date with new vocabulary and all the latest buzz words. Get it right with extra usage notes giving advice on good English.
292 руб
The Hound of the Baskervilles. Arthur Conzn Doyle Английский писатель Артур Конан Дойл вошёл в историю как создатель и автор цикла рассказов и повестей о Великом Сыщике-Шерлоке Холмсе. Обладатель уникального
289 руб
Challenges 4: Class CD (аудиокурс на 3 CD) Сhallenges is the new course for teenagers which gives them everything they need to be successful in learning English. Challenges gives total confidence in language learning and teaching. You can do
Английский язык. Продвинутый курс. Дмитрий Петров В книге изложен продвинутый курс английского языка по методу Дмитрия Петрова, адаптированный для самостоятельных занятий. В каждом уроке - большое количество
869 руб
face2face Elementary Workbook with Key face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. face2face is the flexible, easy-to-teach General English course that helps adults and young adults to speak and
769 руб
Smart: Grammar and Vocabulary 5 Vocabulary practice Grammar boxes Colourful and amusing illustrations Oral activities / songs Revision units Spelling and writing techniques Lively material for learning
Читаем по - английски. Часть II. Хрестоматия Книга содержит материал для чтения по широкой тематике проблем. Цель данного пособия - научить студентов читать и переводить литературу в оригинале на английском
258 руб
The Call of the Wild. Jack London Повесть "Зов предков" (The Call of the Wild) является одним из лучших произведений известного американского писателя Джека Лондона о Севере, где только стойкость, воля,
127 руб
Martin Eden. J. London Джек Лондон - классик американской литературы, автор ярких, живых приключенческих романов и рассказов."Мартин Иден" - это не только знаменитый, но и во многом
539 руб
The Gold Bug and Other Tales. Edgar Allan Poe Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст нескольких наиболее известных рассказов Эдгара По: "Золотой жук", "Колодец и маятник", "Маска
134 руб
Nada the Lily. H. Rider Haggard Nada the Lily is the thrilling story of the brave Zulu warrior Umslopogaas and his love for the most beautiful of Zulu women, Nada the Lily. Young Umslopogaas, son of the bloodthirsty Zulu king Chaka, is forced to flee when Chaka orders his death. In the adventures that ensue, Umslopogaas is
Focus on IELTS (аудиокурс на 3 CD) This IELTS preparation course provides exam skills development and graded practice. It includes: exam briefings and task approach boxes; extra grammar, vocabulary and writing practice; a key language bank; and a writing practice
Pollyanna / Поллианна. Eleanor Porter Элинор Портер - американская детская писательница. Предлагаем вниманию читателей ее книгу-бестселлер "Поллианна", знакомую читателям во всем мире. Книга
The Great War: Part 1. A. C. Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. "The Great War" is a monumental six volumes description of the events of World War I. Doyle did a great job interviewing numerous soldiers and generals, reading their letters and diaries to get a
579 руб
Beyond the City. Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. "Beyond the City" is a novel set in the Victorian era. It tells the story of different women, whose desire for money and romance forces them to go way beyond the traditional notions of
Cambridge International AS and A Level English Language Comprehensive student-friendly resources designed for teaching Cambridge International AS and A Level English Language (syllabus 9093 for first examination in 2015). The core aim of this Coursebook is to help students to develop and apply the key skills they need to achieve in AS and A Level
2079 руб
PTE Academic Expert: B1: Coursebook with MyEnglishLab The PTE Academic EXPERT coursebook with MyEnglishLab: PTEA B1 supports students by giving them: Step-by-step approach to speaking and writing; High-level texts and tasks to prepare students for the exam from the start; Strategies for approaching the exam task types; Vocabulary sections based on the
2002 руб
Big Science 2: Workbook Science is everywhere. From your backyard to a tropical rain forest;from your pets at home to creatures in the sea; from your bike to a space station. Let’s explore!With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways.They will ask questions, gather information, test
377 руб
Spark 2: Grammar Key. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Spark – четырехуровневый курс английского языка, предназначенный для учащихся 11 – 14 лет, начинающих изучать язык с нуля. По окончанию курса учащиеся выходят на
220 руб
My Personal Progress Book Предлагаем вашему вниманию дневник для занятий по английскому языку MY PERSONAL PROGRESS