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Face2Face: Upper Intermediate: Workbook without Key Face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. Face2face Second edition is informed by Cambridge English Corpus and its vocabulary syllabus is informed by the
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The Watcher and Other Weird Stories / Смотритель и другие странные истории. J.S. Le Fanu Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814 -1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic novels, one of the most influential ghost story writers of the nineteenth century. "The Watcher and Other Weird Stories" is a collection of beautifully written tales of the uncanny, including "The Watcher" itself and five
Английский язык. Фразовые глаголы. И. Д. Крылова Это практическое пособие содержит самые употребительные фразовые глаголы современного английского языка. Основной критерий включения их в справочник - частота
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Cambridge: Vocabulary for IELTS Advanced: With Answers (+ CD) The book covers all the vocabulary needed by students aiming for band 6.5 and above in the IELTS tests and provides students with practice of exam tasks from each paper. Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS Advanced focuses on moving students to 6.5 and beyond by working on vocabulary-building strategies
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Testbuilder for TOEFL iBT: Tests that Theach: Level B1, B2, C1 (+ 2 CD) Testbuilder for TOEFL iBT™ is designed to improve exam performance and increase language competence for success in the TOEFL iBT™ examination. Two completely new practice tests Full range of TOEFL iBT™ question types Further Practice and Guidance pages Paper-specific exercises to
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Exploring British Culture: Multi-level Activities about Life in the UK (+ CD-ROM) A multi-level, photocopiable resource book about life in the UK. Exploring British Culture is a resource book of ready-to-teach lessons about life in the UK. It covers 18 key topic areas including History and Politics, Health and Housing, Work and Education, Leisure, the Media and Culture. Each
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Why Do Bridges Arch: Level 3: Factbook A series of twenty non-fiction science readers which engages children in the world around them. What holds up skyscrapers? Why are sports domes curved? Why are triangles used in many bridges? You can find the answers to these and other questions about structures in Why Do Bridges