Live English Grammar: Intermedate Live English Grammar is a graded grammar series consisting of four books. This highly exciting series adopts an innovative approach to presenting and practising grammar, which enables learners to acquire it naturally. This book is designed for students at Intermediate
The Catcher in the Rye. Jerome David Salinger Написанный в послевоенное время роман "Над пропастью во ржи" завоевал признание критиков и обрел огромное количество поклонников. В нем герой рассказывает в
113 руб
Tanglewood Tales. N. Hawthorne Натаниель Готорн - классик американской литературы, чьи работы остаются актуальными по сей день.В увлекательный сборник мифов "Сказания Лесной Чащи" представлены
296 руб
Jurassic park. John Michael Crichton Миллиардер Хаммонд нанимает группу профессионалов - учёных и специалистов по созданию заповедников, которые, пользуясь новейшими достижениями генной инженерии и
Peter Pan. James Matthew Barrie Книга содержит оригинальный текст известной детской повести о чудесном мальчике Питере Пэне шотландского писателя Джеймса Барри. Для облегчения понимания
The History of the Remarkable Life of John Sheppard & Atlantis Majo. Defoe D. John Sheppard was a notorious English robber and thief of early 18th-century London. Born into a poor family, he was apprenticed as a carpenter but took to theft and burglary in 1723. He was arrested and imprisoned five times in 1724 but escaped from prison, making him a notorious public figure,
The Rover. Joseph Conrad Joseph Conrad was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. The Rover is a novel of naval life in Napoleonic France. After forty years of piracy on Eastern seas, Citizen Peyrol returns to his native France, a country now ravaged and scarred
459 руб
No Name II. Collins W. Wilkie Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. Written in the early 1860s, No Name was rejected as immoral by critics of its time, but is today regarded as a novel of outstanding social insight, showing Collins at the height of his powers. Magdalen Vanstone and her
689 руб
The Freelands. John Galsworthy John Galsworthy was an English novelist and playwright. "Love moves the world." And this statement was reflected on the pages of the novel "Freeland". And no matter where the love storyset - in bright living room or in a solitary mansion - feelings and experiences of Galsworthy characters are
The Speckled Band and Other Plays. Doyle A.C. Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. This volume is a collection of plays about a world-famous detective, and his assistant Dr. Watson, investigating the cases of The Speckled Band, and The Crown Diamond. The book also
233 руб
Английский с Генри Джеймсом. Дейзи Миллер Молодая, обаятельная и открытая американка, приехав в Европу, казалось бы, должна была снискать в обществе всеобщее расположение, однако встретила лишь
292 руб
Rodney Stone. Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. While being a gothic mystery novel, "Rodney Stone" contains so much more! This book has a fantastic coming-of-age story set in the world of boxing fights in England during the Napoleonic Wars. The
389 руб
Short Stories II. E. C. Gaskell Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer. Her novels offer a detailed portrait of the lives of many strata of Victorian society, including the very poor, and are of interest to social historians as well as lovers of literature. Some of GaskelPs best
209 руб
Micah Clarke I. Doyle A.C. Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. "Micah Clarke" is a historical adventure novel set in the times of Monmouth Rebellion in England. The book follows the story of an extraordinary man, who starts as a romantic
Speakout: Upper-Intermediate: Workbook (+ CD-ROM) Speakout is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that builds confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and
919 руб
Cutting Edge: Intermediate: Workbook Engaging texts, new video content and a comprehensive digital package are just some of the features that make this fully revised edition even more effective. New World culture lessons encourage the exploration of contemporary topics and develop online research skills. Language live lessons provide
Мартин Иден / Martin Eden. Джек Лондон Роман "Мартин Иден" - одно из самых знаменитых произведений Джека Лондона.Главный герой Мартин Иден, крепкий и душевный парень из простой семьи, бывший моряк,
The Magnificent Ambersons. Newton Booth Tarkington Ньютон Бут Таркингтон - знаменитый американский писатель первой половины XX, один из немногих авторов, удостоенный Пулитцеровской премии более одного
659 руб
Cabbages And Kings. O. Henry "Зарубежная классика - читай в оригинале" - коллекция, которая собрана из бессмертных произведений великих мастеров пера, написанных ими на их родном языке. Книги
539 руб
Dracula: Level 4 (+ CD-ROM) "How can I escape from this terrible nightmare?" Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania to see a local nobleman Count Dracula. Jonathan realises that things are not what they seem at Castle Dracula and, before he knows it, his nightmare begins. Soon Jonathan and his friends and family are
509 руб
The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man. J. W. Johnson Джеймс Джонсон - известный американский писатель XIX века, дипломат и борец за права человека, чьи произведения до сих пор остаются читаемыми и любимыми по всему
283 руб
Lady Susan. Jane Austen Джейн Остин - всемирно известная английская писательница, творившая на рубеже XVIII-XIX веков. Её книги признаны шедеврами мировой классики и до сих пор покоряют
259 руб
The Phantom Rickshaw. R. Kipling Блестящая книга от самого индийского из английских писателей - Редъярда Киплинга. Иногда так случается, что бывшие возлюбленные не дают о себе забыть.
403 руб
The Turn of the Screw / Поворот винта. H. James Генри Джеймс - не только один из самых известных классиков мировой литературы, но и ярчайший представитель трансатлантической культуры рубежа XIX и XX веков.
269 руб
Ayesha. The Return of She. Haggard Henry Rider Ayesha, the Return of She is a gothic-fantasy novel by the popular Victorian author Henry Rider Haggard, published in 1905, as a sequel to his far more popular and well known novel, She.Horace Holly and his ward Leo Vincey once again embark on a quest to find the mysterious woman known as Ayesha.
The Big Fire: Level A ( + CD-ROM, CD) Helbling Young Readers is an exciting new series of graded readers for Primary Schools in 5 levels. Engaging stories with beautiful full-colour illustrations, specially written to appeal to young learners of English, introduce high-frequency words in order to promote fluency from an early age. Each
559 руб
Fraternity. John Galsworthy John Galsworthy was an English novelist and playwright. "Fraternity" is his early satire of middleclass complacency and artistic aspiration. This work stands as one of his best novels outside "The Forsyte Saga". It is the story of a bohemian upper-class love triangle, and of a mystic
395 руб
Последняя камелия. The Last Camellia. Сара Джио Эддисон считала, что только в ее прошлом скрывается мрачная тайна. Но когда они с мужем переехали в старинное поместье, выяснилось, что секреты есть и у старого
369 руб
Cloud Atlas: Intermediate. David Mitchell Нотариус, спасающий чернокожего раба от гибели, молодой музыкант, создающий лучшее произведение своей жизни, журналистка, ведущая опасное расследование, пожилой