Gateway B2: Class CDs (аудиокурс на 2 CD) "Gateway" is a multi-level course for students working towards their school-leaving examinations. By developing language and study skills and promoting learner confidence and independence. "Gateway" prepares students for their exams and life beyond the
339 руб
Английский за 3 недели. Базовый аудиокурс (+ MP3) Впервые в России Вашему вниманию предлагается совершенно новая методика изучения английского языка. Наш курс построен по принципу полного самоучителя и
A Modern Comedy I. John Galsworthy John Galsworthy was an English novelist and playwright. The part of "The Forsyte Chronicles" tells about a new generation that has arrived to divide the Forsyte clan with society scandals and conflicting
424 руб
Preliminary 7 (аудиокурс на 2 CD) Four authentic past papers from Cambridge ESOL for the Cambridge English: Preliminary exam, also known as Preliminary English Test (PET). Cambridge English: Preliminary is at CEF level B1. The Audio CDs contain listening material to allow practise of the aural component of the examination (Paper
Choices: Elementary: Active Teach (+ буклет) CHOICES: ELEMENTARY: ACTIVE TEACH contains everything you need to make the course come alive in your classroom. - Fully functional integrated interactive whiteboard software. - Class audio and video material with full subtitles and scripts. - 46 printable activities with teaching notes. - Ideas
4999 руб
IELTS Express: Upper-Intermediate (аудиокурс на DVD-ROM) IELTS EXPRESS is a two-level IELTS exam preparation series. Level one covers the IELTS band 4-5.5, providing a low entry-point for students wishing to prepare for IELTS. IELTS Express is designed to be used with both short courses of 30-40
619 руб
Сердца трех / Hearts of Three. Джек Лондон Чтение оригинальных произведений - простой и действенный способ погрузиться в языковую среду и совершенствоваться в иностранном языке. Серия "Бестселлер на все
110 руб
The Last of the Mohicans. James Fenimore Cooper Серия книг "Зарубежная классика - читай в оригинале" - это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из
379 руб
IELTS Express: Intermediate (аудиокурс на CD) IELTS EXPRESS is a two-level IELTS exam preparation series. Level one covers the IELTS band 4-5.5, providing a low entry-point for students wishing to prepare for
1859 руб
Laser B1: Class Audio CD (аудиокурс на 2 CD) A lively, motivating and interesting course specifically designed with teenagers in mind, Laser B1 provides comprehensive coverage of the grammar, vocabulary and skills required at 81 level as well as focusing regularly on exam-type
347 руб
Английский язык. Самоучитель. Е. В. Самоделова Этот самоучитель предназначен для тех, кто самостоятельно изучает английский язык. Он позволяет выработать речевые навыки, необходимые для общения и чтения
The Science of Light: Level A2+ This reader explores the sources of light in space, and shows how light affects people and keeps our world going all day, all
IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2 (аудиокурс на 3 CD) "IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2" provides essential practice in all four Modules of the IELTS examination: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. It includes: SIX complete Practice Tests incorporating the 2005 modifications to the Writing Module. additional Reading and Writing Modules for General
Big Science 2: Student Book Science is everywhere. From your backyard to a tropical rain forest;from your pets at home to creatures in the sea; from your bike to a space station. Let’s explore!With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways.They will ask questions, gather information, test
829 руб
Oxford Essential Dictionary Oxford Essential Dictionary gives all the essential help and information elementary and pre-intermediate learners need. Updated with 200 NEW words, Oxford Essential Dictionary includes over 24000 words, phrases, and meanings. 2000 of the most important words in English are marked as keywords, so
I, Robot. Isaak Asimov Сборник рассказов "Я, робот" - один из самых известных сборников классика американской фантастической литературы Айзека Азимова. В нем впервые были разработаны
289 руб
English World 10: Class Audio CDs (аудиокурс на 3 CD) English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active
4269 руб
The Naulahka. A Story of West and East. Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. "The Naulahka" is a remarkable work of fiction by Rudyard Kipling and Wolcott Balestier, came under severe criticism by a section of the society for its alleged anti-feminist contents when it was first published in
409 руб
IELTS Graduation: Study Skills (+ CD) IELTS Graduation Study Skills is an easy-to-use, self-study book for students preparing to take the International English Language Testing System examination. If you are in the IELTS band of 5.5 and above, IELTS Graduation Study Skills will provide clear and practical information on the IELTS
Shoot to Kill: Why We Hunt: Level A1+ People hunt for food, but they also hunt for other reasons. This reader explores the different types and purposes of hunting, uncovering the wide variety of attitudes and perspectives surrounding this age-old
The Dark Flowers. John Galsworthy The Dark Flower opens in 1880 with 18-year-old undergraduate Mark studying art at Oxford, and ends 30 years later with Mark ostensibly happily married, yet torn between his wife and a beautiful teenage girlcould still be delivered by the hand of a discreet manservant, and the residents of
The Moonstone / Лунный камень. Wilkie Collins Роман считается первым классическим английским детективным романом. Его художественные приемы, сюжетные повороты, образы будут использованы Г.К.Честертоном,
No Name 1. Wilkie Collins Wilkie Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. Written in the early 1860s, No Name was rejected as immoral by critics of its time, but is today regarded as a novel of outstanding social insight, showing Collins at the height of his powers. Magdalen Vanstone and her
559 руб
Common Mistakes at PET... and How to Avoid Them This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam - and shows how to avoid them. Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts, each unit targets a key problem area. Clear explanations and exercises help students to use the language accurately. Regular
Peter Pan. J. M. Barrie Сказочная повесть Дж. Барри "Питер Пэн" - одна из самых любимых и читаемых книг англо-американской детворы и их родителей. В ней рассказывается о мальчике, который
London Tests of English: Level 1: Past Papers with Key (+ CD) "The London Tests of English" (LTE) offer scenario-based language assessment for speakers of other languages.The tests are mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). They assess reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and are offered at six levels: Level A1 -
Essential Grammar in Use: Third edition: Classware (DVD-ROM + CD-ROM) Essential Grammar in Use Third Edition Classware brings together on one DVD-ROM the text and images from the self-study reference and practice book plus audio for the left-hand page grammar point explanations. This gives teachers a new way of presenting and using the material in class. This
6690 руб
Next Generation Grammar 3: MyEnglishLab: Access Code Next Generation Grammar seamlessly blends course work and online content to optimize instruction and provide a 21st century learning experience that will engage and motivate learners. In class = Teacher directed Thematic lessons, concise presentations and meaningful communicative