Повесть о двух городах. Чарлз Диккенс Эпоха Великой французской революции – это время страшных потрясений и невероятных событий, жестоких казней и мужественных поступков, гнусного предательства и
101 руб
Straightforward: Beginner: Class CDs (аудиокурс на 2 CD) Straightforward is a multi-level course for adults and young adults. Based on observation of what good teachers do in the classroom, it is transparent in its structure, pragmatic in its methodology and varied in its
New Total English: Elementary: Teacher‘s Book (+ CD-ROM) A course for young adults and adults, New Total English has been completely revised and updated to make it even more engaging and easy to use. With its clearly defined learning objectives and authentic content, New Total English includes new reading and listening texts, new video clips and a
Eureka / Эврика. Э. А. По Серия книг «Зарубежная классика — читай в оригинале» — это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии.Книги из
Campaign 1: Workbook: English for the Military (+ CD) CAMPAIGN is designed to meet the English language needs of military personnel engaged in all operations, including peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance and training exercises. CAMPAIGN combines the rigorous language analysis of a good English for Specific Purposes course with the teachability of
1159 руб
Английский язык. Тематический словарь. Д. В. Скворцов В словаре содержится 5000 русских слов и 5000 английских слов, сгруппированных по 100 различным темам, включающим около 400 разделов: автомобиль, армия, архитектура,
The Story Of Coffee Many people all over the world start their day with a cup of coffee. Black or white, espresso or filter - there are so many ways of preparing it. In this book you can learn more about the coffee plant and the history of this popular drink. And you can find a recipe for a frappuccino,
Английский разговорник Английский разговорник содержит самые необходимые тем и наиболее типичные модели фраз и выражений. Английский текст снабжен практической транскрипцией,
276 руб
Английский разговорник с грамматикой и словарем Разговорник содержит типичные модели фраз и выражений по широкому кругу тем. Английский текст снабжен практической транскрипцией, передающей звуки английского
Oxford Russian Dictionary: Russian-English / English-Russian This fourth edition of the Oxford Russian Dictionary is guaranteed to continue to be a leader in its field. This dictionary is an invaluable text for any serious student of Russian, or any Russian native speaker learning English. This fully updated and revised edition includes new supplementary
Английский разговорник. . Английский разговорник содержит типичные модели фраз и выражений по широкому кругу тем. Английский текст снабжен практической транскрипцией, передающей звуки
The Moonstone / Лунный камень. Wilkie Collins Серия книг "Зарубежная классика - читай в оригинале" - это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой
383 руб
Cosmic: Level B1+: Workbook (+ CD) COSMIC is a bright, lively, dynamic new course which brings the real world into the classroom, from the viewpoint of the
Listening & Speaking Skills (+ 2 CD-ROM) "Improve your IELTS Skills" is aimed at students between bands 4.5 and 7.5. The series has three preparation courses, Academic Reading, Academic Writing, and Listening and Speaking. The courses develop language, skills and test techniques to help students achieve a higher IELTS score. The three
2259 руб
Today! Starter: Activity Book Today! is a four-level course that shapes learning around the individual, understanding that no two students are the same. Lessons feature kids in authentic situations, making English easier to understand, learning more enjoyable and teaching more
English World 6: Grammar Practice Book English World is an integrated print and digital English course for primary schools. Written by the authors of the best-selling Way Ahead and Macmillan English, the course aims to give learners confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in
Preliminary for Schools Trainer (аудиокурс на 3 CD) Six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. The Preliminary for Schools Trainer Audio CDs feature the listening activities from the