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The Litigators
The Litigators

The Litigators

559 руб

The partners at Finley & Figg often refer to themselves as a "boutique law firm". Boutique, as in chic, selective, and prosperous. Oscar Finley and Wally Figg are none of these things. They are a two-bit operation of ambulance chasers who bicker like an old married couple. Until change comes their way - or, more accurately, stumbles in. After leaving a fast-track career and going on a serious bender, David Zinc is sober, unemployed, and desperate enough to take a job at Finley & Figg. Now the firm is ready to tackle a case that could make the partners rich - without requiring them to actually practice much law. A class action suit has been brought against Varrick Labs, a pharmaceutical giant with annual sales of $25 billion, alleging that Krayoxx, its most popular drug, causes heart attacks. Wally smells money. All Finley & Figg has to do is find a handful of Krayoxx users to join the suit. It almost seems too good to be true... and it is.
Ширина упаковки175
Высота упаковки25
Глубина упаковки105
Автор на обложкеJohn Grisham
АвторДжон Гришэм
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
Формат издания105x175
ИздательствоRandom House
Год выпуска2012
Количество страниц480
Язык изданияАнглийский
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