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Teaching Chunks of Languages
Teaching Chunks of Languages

Teaching Chunks of Languages

1679 руб

Teaching Chunks of Language is an original new resource book for teachers of EFL/ESL students at intermediate-advanced level. It shows how to help students work out the origins and reasoning behind the choice of words that occur apparently at random in so many chunks of language in English. This not only helps the students remember them but also work out the most likely choice of words in semi-familiar chunks. So students can make real progress in this traditionally challenging area of language - highly satisfactory for them, and for you as their teacher.
Ширина упаковки195
Высота упаковки10
Глубина упаковки265
Автор на обложкеFrank Boers, Seth Lindstromberg
АвторSeth Lindstromberg,Frank Boers
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
Формат издания195x265
ИздательствоCambridge University Press
Год выпуска2008
Количество страниц176
Язык изданияАнглийский
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