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Green Arrow: The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1
Green Arrow: The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1

Green Arrow: The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1

6990 руб

In 1941, during the peak of the Golden Age of Comics, the Green Arrow made his debut. Armed with only a bow and a quiver full of arrows, the Emerald Archer and his teen sidekick Speedy must battle corrupt gangsters, evil Nazis and deadly super-villains as a modern day Robin Hood. These adventures also included the debut of some of Oliver Queen and Roy Harper’s greatest weapons in their war on crime, such as the Arrowplane and an assortment of trick arrows!
Ширина упаковки200
Высота упаковки50
Глубина упаковки300
Автор на обложкеMort Weisinger
Год выпуска2018
Количество страниц792
Язык изданияАнглийский
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