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Pink Floyd: The Wall
Pink Floyd: The Wall

Pink Floyd: The Wall

879 руб

"The Story of The Wall is told simply with the music of Pink Floyd, images and natural effects. There is no conventional dialogue to progress the narrative. Our story is about Pink, a Rock and Roll performer, who sits locked in a hotel room somewhere in Los Angeles. Too many shows, too much dope, too much applause, a burned out case. On the TV an all too familiar war film flickers on the screen. We shuffle time and place, reality and night mare as we venture into Pinks painful memories, each one a brick in the wall he has gradually built around his feelings. Slowly he withdraws from the real world and slips further into his nightmare as he imagines himself as unfeeling demagogue for whom all that is left is the demonstration of power over his unthinking audience, the culmination of the odious excess of his own world and the world around him. His internal self trial follows as the witnesses of his past life the very people who have contributed to the building of the wall, come forward and testify against him." Alan ParkerВсе смешалось в номере некоего Лос-Анджелесского отеля, в котором заперт рок-музыкант Пинк - пространство и время, реальность и кошмар. Каждый кирпич в "Стене" - его чувства, мысли, воспоминания...
Ширина упаковки137
Высота упаковки10
Глубина упаковки192
НазваниеPink Floyd: The Wall
ТипХудожественный кинофильм
Возрастные рекомендации16+
ПродюсерАлан Маршалл
Автор музыкиРоджер Уотерс,Боб Эзрин,Дэвид Гилмор
ОператорПитер Бизу
ПерсонаХэмблинг Джерри,Стивен О'Рурк,Роджер Уотерс,Мартин Гаттербридж
Длительность мин95
Исполнительный продюсерСтивен О'Рурк
МультипликаторДжеральд Скарф
Формат изображенияWideScreen 16:9 (1.78:1)
Зона0 (All)
Количество слоевDVD-9 (2 слоя)
УпаковкаKeep case
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