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Детям. Школьникам. Студентам

1 Splash! Activity Book 2 Splash! Activity Book 2
Learning English is fun with Splash! Splash! An exciting four-level primary course. Splash! Cross-curricular learning, with fascinating topic units and project work. Splash! A pupil-centred approach, with an exciting storyline and fun activities, including games and songs. Splash! A
96 руб
2 Traveller Pre-intermediate: Workbook (+CD) Traveller Pre-intermediate: Workbook (+CD)
Traveller is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised into 8 topic-based
519 руб
3 Welcome Posters: Set 4 (комплект из 3 постеров). Virginia Evans, Elizabeth Gray Welcome Posters: Set 4 (комплект из 3 постеров). Virginia Evans, Elizabeth Gray
Вашему вниманию представлен комплект из 3 постеров. Направлено на развитие всех 4 видов речевой деятельности. Уже знакомый всем джин Masid вместе с другими яркими
362 руб
4 Welcome Flashcards: Set 4 (набор из 62 карточек). Virginia Evans, Elizabeth Gray Welcome Flashcards: Set 4 (набор из 62 карточек). Virginia Evans, Elizabeth Gray
Вашему вниманию предлагается красочно иллюстрированный раздаточный материал из 62 карточек "Welcome Flashcards: Set
999 руб
5 500 наиболее употребимых глаголов английского языка (набор из 500 карточек) 500 наиболее употребимых глаголов английского языка (набор из 500 карточек)
С помощью этих карточек вы быстро овладеете наиболее употребимыми английскими глаголами. Мы рекомендуем учить слова двумя способами. Сначала посмотрите на
474 руб
6 И удивляется народ: котами нынче дождь идет. Лариса Кульгавова И удивляется народ: котами нынче дождь идет. Лариса Кульгавова
Данная книга посвящена версиям происхождения одного из самых загадочных выражений в английском языке - raining cats and dogs. Каждый раздел предваряет­ся юмористическим
100 руб
7 Today! Starter: Activity Book Today! Starter: Activity Book
Today! is a four-level course that shapes learning around the individual, understanding that no two students are the same. Lessons feature kids in authentic situations, making English easier to understand, learning more enjoyable and teaching more
579 руб
8 Fairyland B: Picture Flashcards. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans Fairyland B: Picture Flashcards. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
This publication contains colorful
1599 руб
9 Beyond Level B1 SB Book Premium Pack Beyond Level B1 SB Book Premium Pack
Beyond Level B1 SB Book Premium
2429 руб
10 Big Science 2: Workbook Big Science 2: Workbook
Science is everywhere. From your backyard to a tropical rain forest;from your pets at home to creatures in the sea; from your bike to a space station. Let’s explore!With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways.They will ask questions, gather information, test
377 руб
11 My Personal Progress Book My Personal Progress Book
Предлагаем вашему вниманию дневник для занятий по английскому языку MY PERSONAL PROGRESS
389 руб
12 Spark 2: Grammar Key. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Spark 2: Grammar Key. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
Spark – четырехуровневый курс английского языка, предназначенный для учащихся 11 – 14 лет, начинающих изучать язык с нуля. По окончанию курса учащиеся выходят на
220 руб
13 Gateway B1 Digital-Single User Gateway B1 Digital-Single User
Gateway B1 Digital-Single
6490 руб
14 Cosmic: Level B1: Teachers Book Cosmic: Level B1: Teachers Book
Cosmic is a bright, lively, dynamic new course which brings the real world into the classroom, from the viewpoint of the student. Cosmic provides: Preparation for multiple exams while covering the CEF language syllabus. Technology-framed content with motivating interactive materials:
1049 руб
15 Казя_Life. Хроники собачьего счастья. Учите английский с Казей!. Илья Копытов Казя_Life. Хроники собачьего счастья. Учите английский с Казей!. Илья Копытов
Каждый хоть раз в жизни мечтает завести собаку. А каждая собака хочет иметь хозяина и дом. Когда эти желания соединяются, то получается ураган счастья. Он
149 руб
16 Big Science 5: Flashcards Big Science 5: Flashcards
Science is everywhere.From your backyard to a tropical rain forest;from your pets at home to creatures in the sea;from your bike to a space station.Let’s explore!With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways.They will ask questions, gather information, test ideas,
1021 руб
17 Macmillan English 3: Practice Book (+ CD-ROM) Macmillan English 3: Practice Book (+ CD-ROM)
The Practice Book contains practice exercises for the Language Book activities. It is intended for children to complete for homework or for quiet class time. Practice Book pages should be done when the corresponding page in the Language Book has been finished. If there is time at the end of the
1059 руб
18 Traveller: Intermediate B1: Workbook Traveller: Intermediate B1: Workbook
Traveller is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised into 8 topic- based
779 руб
19 British & American culture Quiz / Английская и американская культура в викторинах и тестах. Учебное пособие. Н. С. Ильющенко British & American culture Quiz / Английская и американская культура в викторинах и тестах. Учебное пособие. Н. С. Ильющенко
Сборник состоит из 5 викторин: British Culture “Pub” Quiz, American Culture Quiz, The Book Quiz, The Film Quiz, Sport Mastermind Quiz (Культура Великобритании и США, Литература Великобритании и США,
199 руб
20 Adventures: Starter: Workbook Adventures: Starter: Workbook
A topic-based course with four levels, perfect for maintaining the interest and motivation of young
759 руб
21 Словарный состав современного английского языка на продвинутом этапе обучения / Vocabulary Acquisition as Ongoing Improvement. Т. Б. Назарова Словарный состав современного английского языка на продвинутом этапе обучения / Vocabulary Acquisition as Ongoing Improvement. Т. Б. Назарова
Учебное пособие рассматривает актуальные проблемы в изучении словарного состава современного английского языка и предлагает обширный практический материал,
125 руб
22 Мои первые английские слова. Игра Мои первые английские слова. Игра "Словарная битва" (набор из 90 карточек)
Обучающая игра для детей и взрослых. Предназначена для занятий на уроках и домашнего обучения. В наборе 30 карточек с существительными, 60 - с прилагательными.
194 руб
23 Cambridge English Skills: Real Listening and Speaking 4 without Answers Cambridge English Skills: Real Listening and Speaking 4 without Answers
A four-level skills series for adults and young adults Learners can develop the skills they need to use English confidently wherever they are - at home, at work, travelling, studying or just in social situations with English-speaking friends. This edition comes without
480 руб
24 Macmillan English Quest 2: Activity Book Macmillan English Quest 2: Activity Book
Quest is a six-level primary series first published for Spain. It is aimed at children who have little or no previous knowledge of English. The course was developed with the aim of establishing a new approach to primary courses. Therefore, the course remains story-based for Levels 1 and 2, but
615 руб
25 Macmillan English Quest 1 (аудиокурс на 3 CD) Macmillan English Quest 1 (аудиокурс на 3 CD)
Quest is a six-level primary series first published for Spain. It is aimed at children who have little or no previous knowledge of English. The course was developed with the aim of establishing a new approach to primary courses. Therefore, the course remains story-based for Levels 1 and 2, but
2211 руб
26 Cutting Edge: Starter Cutting Edge: Starter
Cutting Edge is a multi-level general English course for adults and young adults. Providing a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary and skills, Cutting Edge Starter is for complete beginners or those who need to brush up on the basics before moving on to elementary level. К изданию
2159 руб
27 Listening & Speaking for First with Answer Key (+ 2CD-ROM) Listening & Speaking for First with Answer Key (+ 2CD-ROM)
Prepares students for First Listening and Speaking tests. This book aims to develop the skills, language and test techniques required to achieve success in the exam through pronunciation focus and exam practice. It also includes two audio CDs and MPO for further online practice. It is a "With Key"
2169 руб
28 Today! Activity Book 2 Today! Activity Book 2
TODAY! is a four-level course that shapes learning around the individual, understanding that no two students are the same. Lessons feature kids in authentic situations, making English easier to understand, learning more enjoyable and teaching more
579 руб
29 Traveller: Intermediate B1: Workbook (+ CD-ROM) Traveller: Intermediate B1: Workbook (+ CD-ROM)
Traveller is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised into 8 topic- based
519 руб
30 Big Science 3 Flashcards Big Science 3 Flashcards
Science is everywhere. From your backyard to a tropical rain forest;from your pets at home to creatures in the sea; from your bike to a space station. Let’s explore!With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways.They will ask questions, gather information, test
1719 руб
31 Big Fun 1 Student Book with CD-ROM Big Fun 1 Student Book with CD-ROM
Big Fun is a three-level pre-primary course for children ages 3-5.Big Fun teaches young children English — in the same way they learn their native language — by making sure they listen, imitate, repeat, and begin to speak on their own. Starting with basic vocabulary and target language,
631 руб
32 Cosmic: Level B1: Class CDs (аудиокурс на 2 CD) Cosmic: Level B1: Class CDs (аудиокурс на 2 CD)
Cosmic uses technology to communicate through web-links, blogs and educational games. Students enjoy learning in a fascinatingly familiar environment. Cosmic offers the perfect platform for teenagers to investigate, solve and report. With one clear focus on one final goal - exam
797 руб
33 Face2Face: Upper Intermediate: Workbook without Key Face2Face: Upper Intermediate: Workbook without Key
Face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. Face2face Second edition is informed by Cambridge English Corpus and its vocabulary syllabus is informed by the
769 руб
34 Fun for Starters (аудиокурс на CD) Fun for Starters (аудиокурс на CD)
194 руб
35 Exploring British Culture: Multi-level Activities about Life in the UK (+ CD-ROM) Exploring British Culture: Multi-level Activities about Life in the UK (+ CD-ROM)
A multi-level, photocopiable resource book about life in the UK. Exploring British Culture is a resource book of ready-to-teach lessons about life in the UK. It covers 18 key topic areas including History and Politics, Health and Housing, Work and Education, Leisure, the Media and Culture. Each
4499 руб
36 Big Science 2 Flashcards Big Science 2 Flashcards
Science is everywhere. From your backyard to a tropical rain forest;from your pets at home to creatures in the sea; from your bike to a space station. Let’s explore!With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways.They will ask questions, gather information, test
1719 руб
37 500 наиболее употребительных выражений английского языка (набор из 500 карточек) 500 наиболее употребительных выражений английского языка (набор из 500 карточек)
С помощью этих карточек вы быстро овладеете наиболее употребительными выражениями английского языка. Мы рекомендуем учить выражения двумя способами. Сначала
474 руб
38 1000 русских и 1000 английских идиом, фразеологизмов и устойчивых словосочетаний. А. И. Григорьева 1000 русских и 1000 английских идиом, фразеологизмов и устойчивых словосочетаний. А. И. Григорьева
Книга содержит около 1000 русских и английских идиом, фразеологизмов и устойчивых словосочетаний. Русско-английская часть словаря дополнена примерами
126 руб
39 Brainwave: Level 1 (комплект из 2 книг) Brainwave: Level 1 (комплект из 2 книг)
1039 руб
40 Flash Cards. Тематические словосочетания и идиомы. Комплект из 1120 карточек Flash Cards. Тематические словосочетания и идиомы. Комплект из 1120 карточек
В комплекте представлено 8 коробочек по 140 карточек в каждой, по следующим темам: Education and Work; Family. Appearance. Character; Health; Home; Leisure; Meals. Shopping. Services; Post. Correspondence. Telephoning; Getting
639 руб
41 Big Science 4 Student Book Big Science 4 Student Book
Science is everywhere. From your backyard to a tropical rain forest;from your pets at home to creatures in the sea; from your bike to a space station. Let’s explore!With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways.They will ask questions, gather information, test
599 руб
42 Spark 4: Grammar. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Spark 4: Grammar. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
Spark is a bright new four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 8 modules and is designed to be covered in 80
849 руб
43 Мой первый словарь английского языка с произношением для детей. С. А. Матвеев Мой первый словарь английского языка с произношением для детей. С. А. Матвеев
Мой первый словарь английского языка с произношением для детей содержит более 180 английских слов с переводом. К каждому слову дана транскрипция двух видов:
309 руб
44 Build Up to Countdown: Level B1: Workbook with Key (+ CD-ROM) Build Up to Countdown: Level B1: Workbook with Key (+ CD-ROM)
A complete intermediate course which develops essential language skills and introduces students to a wide range of exam tasks. Especially written and designed for young
1019 руб
45 Traveller: Level B2: Workbook Traveller: Level B2: Workbook
Traveller is an exciting seven-level course that takes learners from Beginner to Advanced
479 руб
46 Start English Start English
Start English – новый вводный курс английского языка для детей младшего школьного возраста. Занимательные развивающие задания, весёлые рифмовки и прекрасные
889 руб
47 Macmillan English Quest 2: Flashcards Macmillan English Quest 2: Flashcards
A pack of full-colour flashcards with all the key vocabulary from Macmillan English Quest 2. Ideal for playing language games in
1064 руб
48 Macmillan English Quest 2: Class Audio CDs (аудиокурс CD) Macmillan English Quest 2: Class Audio CDs (аудиокурс CD)
Quest is a six-level primary series first published for Spain. It is aimed at children who have little or no previous knowledge of English. The course was developed with the aim of establishing a new approach to primary courses. Therefore, the course remains story-based for Levels 1 and 2, but
2264 руб
49 Big Science 2: Student Book Big Science 2: Student Book
Science is everywhere. From your backyard to a tropical rain forest;from your pets at home to creatures in the sea; from your bike to a space station. Let’s explore!With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways.They will ask questions, gather information, test
829 руб
50 Join Us for English: Activity Book 1 Join Us for English: Activity Book 1
"Join Us for English" is a restructured and fully updated edition of the successful Join In. This exciting course for young learners provides a motivating and enjoyable way to learn English. It has been revised to tie in with Common European Framework guidelines and includes many new picture
749 руб

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