Chinese Englishes: A Sociolinguistic History This book explores the history of the English language in china from the arrival of the first English-speaking traders in the early seventeenth century to the present. Kingsley Bolton brings together and examines a substantial body of historical, linguistic and sociolinguistic research on the
Новый русско-английский разговорник. А. К. Курчаков Наша книга представляет собой пособие-разговорник, сочетающее элементы традиционного разговорника, самоучителя английского языка, словаря и справочника. В
Ghostly Tales I: An Authentic Narrative of a Haunted House. Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu was an Irish writer of Gothic novels, one of the most influential ghost story writers of the nineteenth century. "Ghostly Tales" is a tremendous collection of four chilling stories: "Schalken the Painter", "An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street",
Jess (Джесс). H. Rider Haggard Jess Croft lives with sister Bessie and old Silas, a farmer raising ostriches on the great Transvaal veldt. He is a reserved and aloof, with a quietness about her brought on by the misfortunes of her young childhood, when she and Bessie arrived motherless from England to South Africa. Then an
Орфографический словарь При подготовке "Орфографического словаря" к 13-му изданию, па основании введённых в действие "Правил русской орфографии и пунктуации", утверждённых Академией наук
549 руб
Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary The Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary defines the vocabulary students need to succeed in high school and beyond. The hardcover edition is ideal for classroom adoptions. Its entries include more than 2,000 key vocabulary items from the content areas of math, the arts, chemistry, earth science,
Glossar Deutsch-Russisch А1 / Немецко-русский словарь Deutsch als Fremdsprache fur Erwachsene studio 21 - die neue Ausgabe des weltweit erfolgreichen Lehrwerks studio d, inhaltlich auf neuestem Stand und im modernen Design. Das Lehrwerk richtet sich an Erwachsene ohne Vorkenntnisse, die im In- und Ausland Deutsch lernen. Es erscheint in drei
Kalt erwischt in Hamburg Klaas Hansen spielt morgens und abends Trompete auf dem Michel. Nur an diesem Samstagabend spielt er nicht. Wo kann er sein? Eine Journalistin hat ihn zuletzt
370 руб
Wolfgang Borchert im Scheinwerferlicht Dieser Text macht es moglich, naher und besser den Autor Borchert auch in seinen weniger bekannten Aspekten kennen zu lernen: Man beschrankt sich also nicht auf das Thema des Kriegs an sich, obwohl es oft im Hintergrund
Bitacora 1 Nueva edicion: Nivel A1: Libro del alumno Bitacora Nueva edicion es un manual moderno e innovador que permite trabajar al mismo tiempo y de manera sencilla en torno a tres ejes: el enfoque lexico, el enfoque orientado a la accion y el desarrollo de la autonomia del aprendiz. Ahora con una secuencia mas clara y nuevas secciones: La seccion
Berlitz. Норвежский разговорник и словарь Разговорник предназначен как для тех, кто не знает норвежского языка, так и для тех, кто умеет читать и писать по-норвежски, но не владеет навыками устной речи.
294 руб
Монгольские народные сказки. Монгол ардын улгэр Это занимательное и несложное чтение поможет читателю войти в мир монгольского языка.Сказки, представленные в издании, адаптированы (без упрощения текста
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test: Book with Online Practice Tests and Audio CDs (8) Pack The Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test, Fourth Edition, helps students master the language skills they need to succeed on the TOEFL iBT and communicate effectively in an academic setting. Using an integrated skills approach that mirrors the structure of the TOEFL iBT, this up-to-date text is
Le Contrat de Mariage. H. Balzac Оноре де Бальзак - не только один из самых известных французских писателей, но и основоположник реализма в литературе Европы."Брачный контракт" - одно из самых
В лаборатории редактора. Лидия Чуковская "В лаборатории редактора" - одна из трех важнейших книг, посвященных чистоте и богатству русского языка (две другие: "Слово живое и мертвое" Норы Галь и "Высокое
Speakout: Advanced: Workbook (+ CD-ROM) Speakout has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide and BBC Learning English. Speakout is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that builds confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support
Listening & Speaking for First with Answer Key (+ 2CD-ROM) Prepares students for First Listening and Speaking tests. This book aims to develop the skills, language and test techniques required to achieve success in the exam through pronunciation focus and exam practice. It also includes two audio CDs and MPO for further online practice. It is a "With Key"
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Traveller: Intermediate B1: Workbook (+ CD-ROM) Traveller is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised into 8 topic- based
519 руб
Macmillan English Quest 1 (аудиокурс на 3 CD) Quest is a six-level primary series first published for Spain. It is aimed at children who have little or no previous knowledge of English. The course was developed with the aim of establishing a new approach to primary courses. Therefore, the course remains story-based for Levels 1 and 2, but
Saved! Heroes in Everyday Life: Level A1 From Captian Sullenberger to Spiderman - ordinary people doing extrodinary things. What makes a hero? This reader explores the qualities of a hero both in real life and in pop
259 руб
Mummies and Myths Book with Online Access Mummies from Egypt are famous. But other ancient cultures had them, too! Explore what we can learn about our history and our myths from mummies. Use your unique code to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of the
311 руб
Traffic Jams: The Road Ahead: Beginning Book with Online Access Sitting in traffic, finding a parking spot, paying for a parking it worth it? Traffic is a big problem in our cities. Can you think of some solutions? Use your unique code to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of
427 руб
The Wheels of Chance. H. G. Wells Серия книг "Зарубежная классика - читай в оригинале" - это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии.Книги из этой
345 руб
Challenges 2: Class CD (аудиокурс на 3 CD) Сhallenges is the new course for teenagers which gives them everything they need to be successful in learning English. Challenges gives total confidence in language learning and teaching. You can do
352 руб
Das Haus den an Klippen: Niveau Zwei A2 (+ CD) Valeria ist eine schone und intelligente Teenager. Sie ist eine sehr gute Schiilerin, aber schafft es einfach nicht, Freunde zu finden. „Sie ist nicht von uns", sagen ihre Nachbarn. Sie sind davon uberzeugt, dass seltsame Dinge in Valerias geheimnisvollen Haus an den Klippen passieren. Als