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KISS: Meet The Press
KISS: Meet The Press

KISS: Meet The Press

1679 руб

The art of giving an interview has never eluded the band KISS! Founding members Peter Criss, Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons know how to work the media as well as the thousands of fans that show up for their stage show spectacles! KISS has had many lineup changes over the years that included Eric Carr, Vinnie Vincent, Mark St. John, Bruce Kulick and Eric Singer. In 1996 KISS reunited the original four members that brought KISS to the forefront of rock and roll in the 1970s. KISS remains to this day one of the most marketed and exposed bands in the music and entertainment industry.This video magazine contains press conference footage and raw footage of KISS being honored by the entertainment industry as well as rare and exclusive interviews!
Ширина упаковки135
Высота упаковки193
Глубина упаковки15
НазваниеKISS: Meet The Press
ТипДокументальный фильм
Длительность мин50
ДистрибьюторКонцерн "Группа Союз"
Формат изображенияStandart 4:3 (1,33:1)
Количество слоевDVD-5 (1 слой)
УпаковкаKeep case
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