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Latin: Ballroom Dancer: Vol. 2: How To Learn Reggaeton & Bachata
Latin: Ballroom Dancer: Vol. 2: How To Learn Reggaeton & Bachata

Latin: Ballroom Dancer: Vol. 2: How To Learn Reggaeton & Bachata

1499 руб

Bachata and Reggaeton belong to the really fashionable ballroom dances of the year. Volume 2 shows you how to dance those two dances from the beginning to a professional status. The individual dancing steps are presented by attractive and professional dancers from the original countries in a nice Caribbean ambience. Additionally there are clearly arranged graphics. Different perspectives make learning Bachata and Reggaeton a very easy and entertaining experience. Tor advanced dancers there are also advanced combinations of impressing dancing steps. Finally a very easy and efficient menu navigation supports the idea of dancing Bachata and Reggaeton like a pro within a few days.
Ширина упаковки140
Высота упаковки16
Глубина упаковки190
НазваниеLatin: Ballroom Dancer: Vol. 2: How To Learn Reggaeton & Bachata
ТипОбучающая видеопрограмма
Возрастные рекомендации0+
Длительность мин50
ДистрибьюторZYX Music,Волтэкс-инвест
Формат изображенияStandart 4:3 (1,33:1)
Зона0 (All)
Количество слоевDVD-5 (1 слой)
УпаковкаKeep case
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