Code Red: Level B2: Class Audio CD: Units1-10 (аудиокурс на CD) This is a new and lively course for teenagers. It aims to build up their general English skills while gently easing them into more tailored PET and FCE exam practice. The clear yet integrated approach develops reading, writing, listening and speaking skills whilst there is systematic build-up of
182 руб
Easy English. Базовый уровень "с нуля" (+ 2 CD) Самая прогрессивная методика, разработанная специалистами крупнейшего международного издательства Random House, Inc. Вы сможете изучать английский язык быстро, легко и
679 руб
Footprints 1 (аудиокурс на 3 CD) The Footprints 1 Class Audio CD contains recordings of the "Follow the footprints" vocabulary activities, songs, story episodes, rhymes, chants, raps, musical games and other listening activities. All the songs and chants are followed by "karaoke" versions, with music or percussion only, which can
1124 руб
Gateway B2: Class CDs (аудиокурс на 2 CD) "Gateway" is a multi-level course for students working towards their school-leaving examinations. By developing language and study skills and promoting learner confidence and independence. "Gateway" prepares students for their exams and life beyond the
339 руб
Английский за 3 недели. Базовый аудиокурс (+ MP3) Впервые в России Вашему вниманию предлагается совершенно новая методика изучения английского языка. Наш курс построен по принципу полного самоучителя и
729 руб
Preliminary 7 (аудиокурс на 2 CD) Four authentic past papers from Cambridge ESOL for the Cambridge English: Preliminary exam, also known as Preliminary English Test (PET). Cambridge English: Preliminary is at CEF level B1. The Audio CDs contain listening material to allow practise of the aural component of the examination (Paper
663 руб
IELTS Express: Intermediate (аудиокурс на CD) IELTS EXPRESS is a two-level IELTS exam preparation series. Level one covers the IELTS band 4-5.5, providing a low entry-point for students wishing to prepare for
1859 руб
Laser B1: Class Audio CD (аудиокурс на 2 CD) A lively, motivating and interesting course specifically designed with teenagers in mind, Laser B1 provides comprehensive coverage of the grammar, vocabulary and skills required at 81 level as well as focusing regularly on exam-type
347 руб
IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2 (аудиокурс на 3 CD) "IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2" provides essential practice in all four Modules of the IELTS examination: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. It includes: SIX complete Practice Tests incorporating the 2005 modifications to the Writing Module. additional Reading and Writing Modules for General
1049 руб
English World 10: Class Audio CDs (аудиокурс на 3 CD) English World is a stunningly visual ten-level course which will take children through from primary to secondary. Written by the authors of best-sellers Way Ahead and Macmillan English, English World combines best practice methodology with innovative new features for the modern classroom. Active
100% английский. Начальный уровень (книга + 8 CD) Разработанный специалистами Living Language (Random House) курс "100% Английский. Начальный уровень" содержит все необходимое, чтобы выучить английский язык "с нуля" или
1319 руб
Cambridge Exams Extra: Pet (аудиокурс на 2 CD) Cambridge Exams Extra provides authentic past papers from Cambridge ESOL, plus a wealth of extra material for use in the classroom or for self-study. This title contains a useful exam overview and helpful guidance on tackling each part of each
1035 руб
English World 1 DVD English World - новый, прекрасно иллюстрированный десятиуровневый курс современного английского языка, написанный авторами популярного УМК Way Ahead. English World сочетает
Everyday English: Test File (аудиокурс на CD) Аудиодиск с оригинальными текстами, позволяет быстро и эффективно проверить знание лексики, включает проверку понимания речи на слух. Записан носителями языка на
179 руб
World Pass Advanced (DVD) To help students expand their fluency, World Pass focuses on dynamic vocabulary building, essential grammar, and stimulating listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that emphasize the language they need for real world
English World 2 DVD ENGLISH WORLD is the first-ever integrated ten-level print and digital English course for primary and secondary schools. Written by the authors of the best-selling Way Ahead and Macmillan English, the course aims to give learners confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Thorough
4489 руб
Cutting Edge: Pre-Intermediate: ActiveTeach Cutting Edge Third Edition ActiveTeach contains everything you need to get the most out of the course. Fully functional integrated whiteboard software Integrated audio and video content Answer reveal feature Test master containing all course tests Large extra resources section Grammar and
2436 руб
1000 английских слов за рулем (+ 2 CD-ROM) Новый курс издательства Дельта в формате "за рулем" для только начинающих изучение английского языка и всех, кто хотел бы восстановить свои знания.
609 руб
Challenges 3: Class CD (аудиокурс на 3 CD) Сhallenges is the new course for teenagers which gives them everything they need to be successful in learning English. Challenges gives total confidence in language learning and teaching. You can do
Английский за 24 часа (+ CD-ROM). Э. А. Гросвенор Представлены 24 урока по изучению английского языка, в каждом из которых кратко в доступно изложены знания по определенной теме, необходимые в разговорной речи. К
Английский в пробках. Часть 1 (+ 4 CD) Новый курс издательства "Дельта Паблишинг" серии "Аудиотренер" - АНГЛИЙСКИЙ В ПРОБКАХ объединяет лучшие мировые методики обучения иностранным языкам и
Bebop 3: Class Audio CDs (аудиокурс на 2 CD) Аудиодиски содержат записи к заданиям по аудированию из книги для учащегося и музыкальную программу, включающую в себя песни из историй и песни с движениями в
671 руб
Footprints 3 (аудиокурс на 3 CD) The Footprints 3 Class Audio CD contains recordings of the "Follow the footprints" vocabulary activities, songs, story episodes, rhymes, chants, raps, musical games and other listening activities. All the songs and chants are followed by "karaoke" versions, with music or percussion only, which can
Code Blue B1 (аудиокурс на 2 CD) This is a truly blended-learning course for teenagers. It aims to build their general English skills while gently easing them into more tailored PET and FCE exam practice. The interactive and digital elements will appeal to teenage students and motivate them to learn. The clear yet integrated
Traveller: Elementary (аудиокурс на 3 CD) Traveller is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised into 8 topic-based
295 руб
English World: Level 5 (аудиокурс на 3 CD) All dialogues, reading texts, listening comprehension activities, songs and rhymes are contained on the CD allowing children to listen again and practise independently at