Понимание мировой торговли. Э. Хелпман В книге предлагается всестороннее объяснение того, что определяет международную организацию производства и распределения и возникающие в результате торговые
World Trade Organization: Dispute Settlement Reports 2012: Volume 9: Pages 4583 to 5302 The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO members under the provisions of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization.
6276 руб
Доллар США и валютные отношения Запада. Г. Г. Матюхин Книга посвящена анализу развития валютной системы капитализма и роли доллара США в 20-80-х гг. XX столетия. Рассматриваются основные противоречия валютной системы
Нефть и газ. Деньги и власть. С. А. Правосудов Работа С.А.Правосудова посвящена экономическим и политическим проблемам нефтегазовой отрасли. Сквозь "нефтегазовую призму" автор представляет широкую
World Trade Organization: Dispute Settlement Reports 2012: Volume XII, Pages 6249-6772 The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO members under the provisions of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization.
Dispute Settlement Reports 2012: Volume III: Pages 1249 to 1834 The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO Members under the provisions of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization.
Dispute Settlement Reports 2012: Volume 8: Pages 3931-4582 The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO members under the provisions of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization.
Страны Балтии в мировой экономике. С. В. Жданов В учебном пособии рассматриваются основные тенденции развития и социально-экономические проблемы Эстонии, Латвии и Литвы в постсоветский период, характер и
Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements The stalling of the Doha Development Round trade negotiations has resulted in bilateral and regional free trade agreements becoming an important alternative. These agreements have proliferated in recent years, and now all of the major trading countries are engaging in serious bilateral trade
RECBOOK. Настольная книга по поддержке экспорта ЦитатаОдна из основных проблем российских экспортеров - недостаток дешевых финансовых ресурсов, необходимых для расширения производства и совершенствования
Dispute Settlement Reports 2012: Volume 10: Pages 5303-5748 The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO members under the provisions of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization.
Dispute Settlement Reports 2012: Volume IV: Pages 1835 to 2446 The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO Members under the provisions of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization.
7196 руб
The Divide. A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions For decades we have been told a story: that development is working, that poverty is a natural phenomenon and will be eradicated through aid by 2030. But just because it is a comforting tale doesn’t make it true. Poor countries are poor because they are integrated into the global economic system