Sun-Dogs For Chorus A Capella: I. 'I First Saw Them'. Largo,Sun-Dogs For Chorus A Capella: II. 'Domini Canes' ('Dogs Of The Lord'). Adagio,Sun-Dogs For Chorus A Capella: III. 'I Saw Them Leading'. Allegro Moderate,Sun-Dogs For Chorus A Capella: IV. 'Sometimes, Like Tobias'. Andante,Sun-Dogs For Chorus A Capella: V. 'If You Turn Down The Offerings'. Andante,Vlsitatio Sepulchri For Chorus And Chamber Orchestra: Scene 1,Vlsitatio Sepulchri For Chorus And Chamber Orchestra: Scene 2,Vlsitatio Sepulchri For Chorus And Chamber Orchestra: Scene 3