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Jethro Tull: A Passion Play (LP)
Jethro Tull: A Passion Play (LP)

Jethro Tull: A Passion Play (LP)

2199 руб

LP 1 - Side 1 Track: 1-7 LP 1 - Side 2 Track: 8-15
Ширина упаковки315
Высота упаковки5
Глубина упаковки315
ТипАвторский сборник,Грампластинка (LP)
ЗаписьAct I Ronnie Pilgrim's Funeral: a winter's morning in the cemetery: I. Lifeboats/Prelude,Act I Ronnie Pilgrim's Funeral: a winter's morning in the cemetery: II. The Silver Cord,Act I Ronnie Pilgrim's Funeral: a winter's morning in the cemetery: III. Re-Assuring Tune,Act II The Memory but comfortable theatre with a cinema screen - the next morning: I. Memory Bank,Act II The Memory but comfortable theatre with a cinema screen - the next morning: II Best Friends,Act II The Memory but comfortable theatre with a cinema screen - the next morning: III. Critique Oblique,Act II The Memory but comfortable theatre with a cinema screen - the next morning: IV. Forest Dance # 1,The Story Of The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles,Act III The Business office of G. Oddie and Son - two days later: I. Forest Dance #2,Act III The Business office of G. Oddie and Son - two days later: II. The Foot Of Our Stairs,Act III The Business office of G. Oddie and Son - two days later: III. Overseer Overture,Act IV Magus Perde's drawing room at midnight: I. Flight From Lucifer,Act IV Magus Perde's drawing room at midnight: II. 10:08 To Paddington,Act IV Magus Perde's drawing room at midnight: III. Magus Perde,Act IV Magus Perde's drawing room at midnight: IV. Epilogue
Тип упаковкиDigiPak
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