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Business Vocabulary Builder: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate (+ CD)
Business Vocabulary Builder: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate (+ CD)

Business Vocabulary Builder: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate (+ CD)

2259 руб

Business Vocabulary Builder is a business vocabulary and practice course for students with an intermediate level of English or above. Using the course will enrich your business vocabulary and enable you to express yourself more fluently and confidently in a professional context. The vocabulary is organized by business topic (first part) and business skill (second part), making it simple for you to target the language and skills you need. The imaginative variety of practice exercises makes the vocabulary easier to digest and remember. The topics and skills are covered from a 21st-century perspective, teaching up-to-date language in modern business contexts. The accompanying Audio CD provides essential listening practice and extension exercises and features real, international business people from a wide range of backgrounds. (The complete listening scripts are contained in the book.)
Ширина упаковки270
Высота упаковки10
Глубина упаковки215
Автор на обложкеPaul Emmerson
АвторPaul Emmerson
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
Формат издания215x275
ИздательствоMacmillan Education
Год выпуска2009
Количество страниц176
Язык изданияАнглийский
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