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Managing Imaginary Organizations: A New Perspectives on Business
Managing Imaginary Organizations: A New Perspectives on Business

Managing Imaginary Organizations: A New Perspectives on Business

3095 руб

Hardbound. Traditionally, organizations have consisted of collections of people who physically gather together in one place to carry out some kind of coordinated activity. Today, however, business is increasingly relying on "virtual" processes in which people engage in internet-mediated interactions that often span the globe. These processes create intangible "imaginary organizations" that exist largely as a concept in the minds of electronically interacting individuals. As more and more high value-addedwork is performed by knowledge workers interacting through electronically mediated networks, however, managers and management researchers must evolve new concepts for monitoring, interpreting, assessing, and managing activities carried out in such virtual settings. This volume presents an important multidisciplinary approach to understanding these new kinds of imaginary organizations and their processes. Close reading of the papers in this volume will rew.
Ширина упаковки160
Высота упаковки20
Глубина упаковки240
Автор на обложкеEditors Bo Hedberg, Philippe Baumard, Ali Yakhlef
СерияAdvanced Series in Management
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиТвердый переплет
Формат издания160x240
Год выпуска2008
Количество страниц222
РедакторBo Hedberg,Philippe Baumard,Ali Yakhlef
Язык изданияАнглийский
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