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Curso de lectura, conversacion y redaccion
Curso de lectura, conversacion y redaccion

Curso de lectura, conversacion y redaccion

977 руб

This is Intermediate level. This is a course designed to practise speaking and writing. Students will improve their reading, speaking and writing skills, through a wide range of activities. Lesson structure: The student skims a text and answers some questions about the main points. After that, he or she will need to read the text again to look for synonyms, antonyms or idioms, to fill in gaps, to construct expressions with specific words, etc. Every lesson includes a humour section. At the back of the book, there is a traditional song section. For the conversation section, the book offers two or three topics. The writing section proposes different text genres: summaries, letter replies, and writing about a specific topic. There are two more sections at the back: a grammatical topic list and a music section with six traditional songs. The course does not include any audio material (CD or Cassette).
Ширина упаковки200
Высота упаковки20
Глубина упаковки270
Автор на обложкеJose Siles Artes, Jesus Sanchez Maza
АвторJose Siles Artes,Jesus Sanchez Maza
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
Формат издания190x260
ИздательствоSociedad General Espanola De Libreria
Год выпуска2015
Количество страниц280
Язык изданияИспанский
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