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Focus on Grammar 4: An Integrated Skills Approach (+ CD-ROM)
Focus on Grammar 4: An Integrated Skills Approach (+ CD-ROM)

Focus on Grammar 4: An Integrated Skills Approach (+ CD-ROM)

1259 руб

With a fresh new design and a host of updated exercises and activities, the popular Focus on Grammar series is more practical and accessible than ever. Known for its focus on English grammar through contextualized listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, this lively integrated skills course helps students bridge the gap between comprehending grammatical structures and actually using them. Centered on thematic instruction, Focus on Grammar combines controlled and communicative practice in a consistent approach that’s a proven success among students at all levels. Each unit progresses through four steps: Grammar in Context, Grammar Presentation, Focused Practice, and Communication Practice, using a unique format that makes the program easy for students to understand – and for teachers to implement.
Ширина упаковки210
Высота упаковки17
Глубина упаковки275
Автор на обложкеMarjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner
АвторMarjorie Fuchs,Margaret Bonner
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
Формат издания275x210
ИздательствоPearson Education
ISBN0-13-190008-0, 0-13-190009-9
Год выпуска2006
Количество страниц496
Цветные иллюстрацииДа
Язык изданияАнглийский
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