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Batman: Arkham Knight: Volume 3
Batman: Arkham Knight: Volume 3

Batman: Arkham Knight: Volume 3

519 руб

The Joker is dead. Arkham City is no more. But as Batman has learned, evil is endless. And his new enemy, the mysterious, murderous Arkham Knight, is here to see the Dark Knight fall forever.And he is not alone. The crazed criminal called the Calendar Man is out to make each day Batman’s last. The brutal killer known as Bane wants to prove himself a more powerful warrior than any knight. And in the shadows lurks the Scarecrow, whose sinister plans for Gotham City and its guardians are the most frightening of all.Defeating the Arkham Knight and his army will take every ounce of Batman’s skills and strength. Because under his rival’s helmet is a familiar face, one that should strike terror even into the heart of the Dark Knight himself…
Ширина упаковки175
Высота упаковки10
Глубина упаковки260
Автор на обложкеPeter J. Tomasi
АвторPeter J. Tomasi
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
Формат издания168x260
ИздательствоDC Comics
Год выпуска2016
Количество страниц144
Цветные иллюстрацииДа
Язык изданияРусский
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