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The Tenth Kingdom: Do You Believe in Magic?
The Tenth Kingdom: Do You Believe in Magic?

The Tenth Kingdom: Do You Believe in Magic?

849 руб

The 10th Kingdom’ is a contemporary drama set in a fantasy world where magic and fairy tale characters come to life.This is an Alice in Wonderland for grown-ups and children alike, a witty and satirical reflection of contemporary society told as an epic tale of good versus evil.Follow the thrilling adventures of Virginia and Tony, a father and daughter from New York, who unwittingly find themselves in a parallel universe known as The Nine Kingdoms. Virginia and Tony join forces with a schizophrenic man-wolf, and Prince, a handsome golden retriever formally known as Prince Wendell, grandson of Snow White until his wicked stepmother turned him into a dog. The unlikely heroes then embark on an epic quest to save Prince from the evil Queen and restore him to the throne.This lavish $40 million 10 x 1 hour fantasy drama will be broadcast on Sky One in the UK from Sunday 16th April at 7pm and the next 9 Sunday’s thereafter.
Ширина упаковки140
Высота упаковки30
Глубина упаковки220
Автор на обложкеKathryn Wesley
АвторKathryn Wesley
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиМягкая обложка
ISBN978-0007102655, 0007102658
Год выпуска2011
Количество страниц432
Язык изданияАнглийский
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