Language in Use Upper-Intermediate: Self-Study Workbook with Answer Key "Language in Use" is available in three levels: Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper-intermediate. It offers teachers of adult and young adult learners: flexibility the course can be tailored to the needs of mixed-ability classes, dual syllabus alternating grammar and vocabulary units,
Laser A1+: Workbook (+ CD-ROM) Laser A1+ поможет учащимся начать подготовку к экзамену по английскому языку. В курсе представлены задания в формате экзамена KET, что позволяет не только отработать
1059 руб
Longman Academic Writing Series 1: Sentences to Paragraphs The Longman Academic Writing Series helps students master the academic writing skills needed to succeed in their academic careers. The five-level series spans writing topics from composing sentences to writing research papers. Each level covers the complete writing process from prewriting to
1249 руб
Life: Upper Intermediate: B2 (+ DVD-ROM) Welcome to Life, an exciting six-level series that makes learning English an exploration of the world. Drawing on National Geographic content, Life transforms the learning experience into a fabulous journey with irresistible images, articles and videos that engage learners like no series before.
Fields of Vision Fields of vision is a comprehensive, flexible, user-friendly anthology of Literature in the English language from the origins to contemporary times. It aims to instill in students a love of Literature and involve them actively in the learning experience through. The course promotes communication,
Life Intermediate B1+ (+ DVD-ROM) Welcome to Life, an exciting new six-level adult series that turns learning English into an exploration of the world we live in. Drawing on National Geographic content, Life transforms the learning experience into a fabulous journey with irresistible images, articles and videos that engage students
Just Right: Workbook with Key: Intermediate (+ CD) Just Right is an integrated skills series which is designed to offer flexibility with different teaching and learning styles. Fun for learners to use and easy for teachers to adapt, this second edition allows teachers to make the class just right for their
Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Workbook with Key `Cutting Edge` is a multi-level general English course for adults and young adults. It combines rich international content, comprehensive grammar, and real-life functional language within a clear, easy-to-teach structure. `Cutting Edge Workbook` consolidates and extends essential language covered
Planet 1: Kursbuch: Deutsch fur Jugendliche - Orientiert sich am Gemeinsamen europaischen Referenzrahmen und fuhrt zur Niveaustufe A1; - ist transparent und ubersichtlich aufgebaut: 16 kurze Lektionen sind vier Themenkreisen zugeordnet; - integriert Ausspracheubungen von Anfang an; - bietet Moglichkeiten zur Entwicklung von Lernstrategien;
IELTS Testbuilder 2 (+ 2 CD-ROM) Популярная серия написана специально для того, чтобы помочь учащимся и студентам подготовиться и успешно сдать международные экзамены. Все пособия этой серии
Очерки по истории английского языка. В. Д. Аракин Книга дает историческое истолкование и объяснение фактов современного английского языка. Она имеет целью помочь учителю понять разнообразные процессы развития
769 руб
Oil and Gas 1: Teachers Resource Book new, up-to-date course where students learn the English they need for a career in commerce, tourism, nursing, medicine, or technology. Oxford English for Careers is a series which prepares pre-work students for starting their career. Everything in each Student Book is vocation specific, which
Just Right: Pre-Intermediate: Workbook with Key (+ CD) Just Right is an integrated skills series which is designed to offer flexibility with different teaching and learning styles. Fun for learners to use and easy for teachers to adapt, this second edition allows teachers to make the class just right for their
110 Actividades para la clase de idiomas Las actividades comunicativas descritas en este libro son adaptables a la ense?anza de cualquier idioma y son material complementario imprescindible para clases de diferentes niveles. Формат: 15 см x 22,5
1117 руб
Vocabulary For IELTS (+ CD) Increase your knowledge of vocabulary with Collins Vocabulary for IELTS and get the score you need. - Twenty units cover vocabulary for all four IELTS tests; - Features key vocabulary and example sentences from the Collins corpus; - Practice exam sections at the end of each unit cover the full
1439 руб
Global Advanced: Coursebook Global - шестиуровневый курс английского языка для студентов, начинающих и продолжающих изучать английский язык в вузах. УМК Global отличает академичность и насыщенное
1435 руб
Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms The most complete and authoritative idioms dictionary available, the Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms gives you the tools to understand contemporary American English. It gives clear, easy-to-understand definitions and more than 1,000 usage notes that explain what idioms mean and how they are
Telephoning in English "Telephoning in English" is for professionals and trainees in business, commerce and administration who need to be able to receive and make telephone calls. It is suitable for learners at the intermediate and upper intermediate levels, and can be used in class or as self-study. The emphasis is on
Английский для менеджеров. И. П. Агабекян Учебное пособие соответствует государственному образовательному стандарту по специальностям "Экономика и управление". Цель учебника - обучение навыкам устной и
Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary: Around 6,000 phrasal verbs explained in simple language; Thousands of example sentences based on the Cambridge International Corpus; Clear advice on grammar and usage; Shows you the most important phrasal verbs to learn. This Second edition: Fully updated
Tangram - Ausgabe in Sechs Banden - Level 2 Fur Erwachsene und Jugendliche ohne Vorkenntnisse Fuhrt in zwei Banden (Tangram 1+2) oder vier Halbbanden (Tangram 1A bis Tangram 2B) und dem Priifungsvorbereitungsband (Tangram Z) zum Zertifikat Deutsch, der Stufe Bl der Niveaustufenbeschreibung des