Letterfun: Poster Предлагаем вашему вниманию плакат с алфавитом к учебнику
119 руб
Избавься от пробелов в английском. Wreck it!. Леди Гэ Если изучение английского языка представляется вам неинтересным и нудным занятием, то это значит, что вы никогда не держали в руках эту книгу! Вы удивитесь, но
189 руб
Happy Trails 1 Activity Book Overprinted (with key) Happy Trails is a brand-new, two-level primary course which contains National Geographic photography and content enabling students to learn about our world while learning English. The book follows the adventures of Ty a panda, Leo a leopard and Mia a meerkat as they explore the world and send video
1019 руб
Spark 1: Grammar. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Spark is a bright new four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 8 modules and is designed to be covered in 80
849 руб
Traveller: Pre-intermediate: Workbook Traveller is an exciting seven-level course that takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level. The workbook contains: A variety of exercises practising grammar and vocabulary. Communication, reading and writing activities. Listening activities. Extra Grammar practice
779 руб
New Challenges: Starter: Workbook (+ CD-ROM) New Challenges New Challenges updates our blockbuster secondary course for teenagers. Now with five levels, New Challenges equips students with the language and skills needed to be successful learners of English. The New Starter level bridges the gap between primary and
779 руб
Cambridge English Skills: Real Reading 1 with Answers A four-level skills series for adults and young adults. Learners can develop the skills they need to read English confidently wherever they are - at home, at work, travelling, studying or just in social situations with English-speaking friends. This edition comes with
729 руб
To the Top 1: Workbook (+ CD-ROM) The course follows the modular approach which enables students to deal with topics in depth. Its multi-dimensional syllabus combines lexis, grammar structures, language functions, skills work and
Link Up Elementary Workbook Link Up is a new edition of a successful five-level course in British English that introduces teenagers to relevant themes through the study of English. Age-appropriate materials offers learners a balanced approach to reading, writing, listening,
140 руб
Traveller: Elementary: Workbook (+ CD-ROM) Traveller is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organized into 8 topic-based
299 руб
Cosmic B+: Syudents Book (+ CD-ROM) Cosmic is a bright, lively, dynamic new course which brings the real world into the classroom, from the viewpoint of the student. Cosmic provides: Preparation for multiple exams while covering the CEF language syllabus; Technology-framed content with motivating interactive materials: educational
Cosmic B2 Use of English Cosmic! uses technology to communicate through weblinks, blogs and educational games. Students enjoy learning in a fascinatingly familiar environment. Cosmic!offers the perfect platform for teenagers to investigate, solve and report ...with one clear focus on one final goal - exam
Playway to English: Level 3: Cards Pack Playway to English Second edition is a new version of the popular four-level course for teaching English to young children. Pupils acquire English through play, music and Total Physical Response, providing them with a fun and dynamic language learning experience. In the cards pack: •
2499 руб
Magic English Wheel. Еда и напитки Уникальное пособие, которое поможет научиться говорить по-английски свободно! Играй один или с друзьями, расскажи историю от лица любимой куклы или плюшевого
122 руб
Мои первые английские слова. Волшебная книга У вас в руках уникальная волшебная книга для запоминания английских слов! Чтобы узнать перевод слова, достаточно потянуть за стрелку внизу каждой страницы.В книгу
Big Science 3 Workbook Science is everywhere. From your backyard to a tropical rain forest;from your pets at home to creatures in the sea; from your bike to a space station. Let’s explore!With Big Science kids will learn to see and understand the world in new ways.They will ask questions, gather information, test
431 руб
Английский язык. Грамотные коты. Анна Беловицкая ?Автор популярного в Интернете "Русского языка В КОТАХ" впервые представляет книгу для изучающих английский язык. Анна Беловицкая (dalwen), преподаватель иностранных