The Chainbearer or The Littlepage Manuscripts / Землемер. James Fenimore Cooper James Fenimore Cooper was a prolifi c and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature.The Chainbearer is the second book in a trilogy starting with
A Duet with an Occasional Chorus. Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. "A Duet with an Occasional Chorus" is a romantic novel featuring the story of a happily married couple. Their life seems carefree and romantic until it threatened by a previous lover of the
366 руб
Captains Courageous. Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist.Kate Sheriff, a young American woman, knew without a shadow of a doubt what her calling was. She was to move to India where she would dedicate herself to improving the condition of Indian women. In her ensuing
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A Pair of Blue Eyes. Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy was an English novelist and poet. A Pair of Blue Eyes - third published novel, but not his third novel. This is because the very first novel he completed, he never published, and in fact he destroyed the manuscript. This is the story about the love triangle of a young woman, Elfride
Orlando. Virginia Woolf Предлагаем вниманию читателей один из самых известных романов английской писательницы Вирджинии Вульф, ведущей фигуры модернистской литературы первой половины
164 руб
Great Expectations. Charles Dickens Чарльз Диккенс - один из самых известных писателей викторианской Англии. Его мастерство владения языком, умение строить сюжет и наполнять его незабываемыми
649 руб
The Hound of the Baskervilles. Arthur Conan Doyle Английский писатель Артур Конан Дойл вошёл в историю как создатель и автор цикла рассказов и повестей о Великом Сыщике - Шерлоке Холмсе. Обладатель уникального
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The Observations of Henry. Jerome K. Jerome Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humourist. "The Observations of Henry" is the collection of wonderful tales told by the waiter Henry to the author, mostly about people he has known and how they managed to solve their romantic
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Young Explorers 1: Going to the Beach: A Tom and Holly Story Holly and Tom go the beach with Aunt Rose but disaster strikes when they have a puncture - and discover that the map, food and their swimming costumes are still at home! Then Mum and Dad arrive and the rest of the day is
369 руб
Guy Deverell 2 / Гай Деверелл 2. На английском языке. Joseph Thomas Le Fanu Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814 -1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic novels, one of the most influential ghost story writers of the nineteenth century. As an excellent example of a. Victorian mystery, "Guy Deverell" has everything you need: an old countryside manor house with a set of colorful
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The Days of My Life / Дни моей жизни. H. Rider Haggard An autobiography of Henry Rider Haggard, an English writer, largely of adventure fi ction. He was also involved in agricultural reform throughout the British Empire. His stories, situated at the lighter end of Victorian literature, continue to be popular and infl
739 руб
A Modern Comedy III. John Galsworthy John Galsworthy was an English novelist and playwright. The part of "The Forsyte Chronicles" tells about a new generation that has arrived to divide the Forsyte clan with society scandals and conflicting
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They and I. Jerome K. Jerome Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humourist. A charming story in which fiction is intertwined with autobiographical motifs, and humor goes side by side with delicate lyricism. How true to an English gentleman, burdened not only with self-esteem, but also with three teenage children,
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Rolling Stones. О. Henry William Sydney Porter known by his pen name O. Henry, was an American short story writer. His stories are known for their surprise endings. This collections of wonderful stories includes "The Dream", "A Ruler of Men", "The Atavism of John Tom Little Bear", "Helping the Other Fellow", "The
The Catcher in the Rye. Jerome David Salinger Написанный в послевоенное время роман "Над пропастью во ржи" завоевал признание критиков и обрел огромное количество поклонников. В нем герой рассказывает в
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Agnes Grey. Anne Bronte Agnes Grey was an 1847 novel based on her experience.At age 19 Anne Bronte left home and worked as a governess for a few years before becoming a writer.Bronte depicts the precarious position of a governess and how that can aff ect a young woman. Agnes was the daughter of a minister whose family was
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Child of Storm & Magepa the Buck. Haggard Henry Rider In this sequel to Marie, Allan Quatermain helps his Zulu friend Saduko in a crazy battle to win 100 cattle for the dowry of his love Mameena. However, the beautiful and mysterious Mameena, known as the "Child of Storm," seduces Allan and tries to engage him in marriage. This edition also includes
The Four Million. O. Henry O. Henry is the pen name of American writer William Sydney Porter. He wrote 381 short stories while living there. He wrote a story a week for over a year for the New York World Sunday Magazine. The Four Million is the second collection of short stories by O. Henry that was published in 1906. The
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Vivian Grey. B. Disraeli Бенджамин Дизраэли - это не только известный английский писатель, представитель "социального романа", но и важный государственный деятель Великобритании XIX века.
The Rover. Conrad Joseph A novel of naval life in Napoleonic France. After forty years of piracy on Eastern seas, Citizen Peyrol returns to his native France, a country now ravaged and scarred by revolution and war. Looking for peace in which to end his days, he withdraws to a safe harbor in a remote farmhouse on
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The Catcher in the Rye / Над пропастью во ржи Впечатлительный подросток рассказывает в свободном молодежном стиле о своих попытках избежать фальшивости мира взрослых. Для каждого нового поколения читателей
119 руб
Checkmate / Шах и мат. на англ.яз... Le Fanu J.S. Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814 -1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic novels, one of the most influential ghost story writers of the nineteenth century. Combining detective with gothic romance, "Checkmate" tells the story of a rich man Walter Longcluse, who, through a relationship with Alice
Dombey and Son II. Dickens C. Paul Dombey is a heartless London merchant who runs his domestic affairs as he runs his business. In the tight orbit of his daily life there is no room for dealing with emotions because emotion has no market value. In his son he sees the future of his firm and the continuation of his name, while he
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The Light That Failed. Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. "The Light That Failed" is a haunting and powerful novel of human suffering, love and loss. In Dick Heldar, artist and journalist, we see a man struggling to rise above his cruel beginnings and neglected childhood to
339 руб
Love Story. Erich Segal В конце мятежных шестидесятых американский писатель и киносценарист Эрик Сигал написал печальную повесть о любви студента Гарварда, хоккеиста и сына миллионера,
The Magnificent Ambersons. Newton Booth Tarkington Ньютон Бут Таркингтон - знаменитый американский писатель первой половины XX, один из немногих авторов, удостоенный Пулитцеровской премии более одного
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In the Days of the Comet / В дникометы. H. G. Wells Серия книг "Зарубежная классика - читай в оригинале" - это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой
Dracula: Level 4 (+ CD-ROM) "How can I escape from this terrible nightmare?" Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania to see a local nobleman Count Dracula. Jonathan realises that things are not what they seem at Castle Dracula and, before he knows it, his nightmare begins. Soon Jonathan and his friends and family are
509 руб
The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man. J. W. Johnson Джеймс Джонсон - известный американский писатель XIX века, дипломат и борец за права человека, чьи произведения до сих пор остаются читаемыми и любимыми по всему
283 руб
Lady Susan. Jane Austen Джейн Остин - всемирно известная английская писательница, творившая на рубеже XVIII-XIX веков. Её книги признаны шедеврами мировой классики и до сих пор покоряют
259 руб
The Phantom Rickshaw. R. Kipling Блестящая книга от самого индийского из английских писателей - Редъярда Киплинга. Иногда так случается, что бывшие возлюбленные не дают о себе забыть.
403 руб
Jurassic park. John Michael Crichton Миллиардер Хаммонд нанимает группу профессионалов - учёных и специалистов по созданию заповедников, которые, пользуясь новейшими достижениями генной инженерии и
The Turn of the Screw / Поворот винта. H. James Генри Джеймс - не только один из самых известных классиков мировой литературы, но и ярчайший представитель трансатлантической культуры рубежа XIX и XX веков.
269 руб
The House by the Churchyard / Дом у кладбища. Le Fanu Joseph Sheridan The House by the Churchyard is a novel by Sheridan Le Fanu published in 1863 that combines elements of the mystery novel and the historical novel. Set in the village of Chapelizod, near Dublin, in the 1760s the story opens with the accidental disinterment of an old skull in the churchyard, and an
The Big Fire: Level A ( + CD-ROM, CD) Helbling Young Readers is an exciting new series of graded readers for Primary Schools in 5 levels. Engaging stories with beautiful full-colour illustrations, specially written to appeal to young learners of English, introduce high-frequency words in order to promote fluency from an early age. Each
559 руб
Evil under the Sun. Agatha Christie На юге Англии, в тихом местечке, на уединенном острове, где наслаждается хорошей погодой Эркюль Пуаро, для отдыха есть все — уютный отель, море, пляж, солнце,
164 руб
Peter Pan. James Matthew Barrie Книга содержит оригинальный текст известной детской повести о чудесном мальчике Питере Пэне шотландского писателя Джеймса Барри. Для облегчения понимания
The History of the Remarkable Life of John Sheppard & Atlantis Majo. Defoe D. John Sheppard was a notorious English robber and thief of early 18th-century London. Born into a poor family, he was apprenticed as a carpenter but took to theft and burglary in 1723. He was arrested and imprisoned five times in 1724 but escaped from prison, making him a notorious public figure,