Life Beginner Workbook (+ 2 CD) Six level adult course that turns learning English into an exploration of the weorld we live in. NGL Life is driven by rich National Geographic content and the fundamental values of inspiring people to care about the planet, celebrating human achievement and exploring diversity. This material is
Playway to English: Level 1 (DVD NTSC) Playway to English Second edition is a new version of the popular four-level course for teaching English to young children. Pupils acquire English through play, music and Total Physical Response, providing them with a fun and dynamic language learning experience.On the DVD:- Lively animated
4259 руб
Today!: Activity Book 3 Today! is a four-level course that shapes learning around the individual, understanding that no two students are the same. Lessons feature kids in authentic situations, making English easier to understand, learning more enjoyable and teaching more
579 руб
Straightforward B1+: Intermediate: Workbook (+ CD) STRAIGHTFORWARD SECOND EDITION is now even more experienced in providing English for adults and young adults at all levels. Lesson-by-lesson practice activities. Extra reading texts. Complete 24-page writing course for use the classroom or at home. Audio CD with dictation exercises and audio
Артикли. Ю. С. Гурикова В данном пособии представлены основные правила употребления артиклей английского языка. Каждый урок содержит теоретический материал, оформленный в виде таблиц с
132 руб
English Pronunciation in Use: Advanced (+ 5 CD, CD-ROM) The best-selling English Pronunciation in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice book suitable for self-study or classroom work. Sixty easy-to-use units cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. Each unit is supported by
Фразовые глаголы. Ю. С. Гурикова, В. Е. Дюдяева В данном пособии представлены некоторые самые употребительные фразовые глаголы английского языка. Фразовые глаголы широко встречаются как в разговорной, так и в
New Total English: Elementary (аудиокурс на 2 CD) A course for young adults and adults, New Total English has been completely revised and updated to make it even more engaging and easy to use. With its clearly defined learning objectives and authentic content, New Total English includes new reading and listening texts, new video clips and a
309 руб
Учебное пособие по английскому языку. С. В. Шевцова Пособие может быть использовано на курсах иностранных языков и лицами, самостоятельно изучающими английский язык. Цель пособия - совершенствование устной
303 руб
English Grammar Guide. Учебное пособие. Цветкова Т.К. Предлагаемое учебное пособие охватывает все основные темы английской грамматики. Пособие рассчитано на широкий круг лиц, желающих овладеть английским языком как
102 руб
Grammar Practice Pre-Intermediate: A Complete Grammar Workout for Teen Students (+ CD-ROM) GRAMMAR PRACTICE PRE-LNTERMEDIATE contains a wide variety of grammar exercises and rules which focus on key grammar areas studied at CEF A2/B1 level. The accompanying CD-ROM includes many additional exercises plus original learning techniques to highlight and explain grammatical structures and
1059 руб
Test Your English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced with Answers Advanced vocabulary tests with answers to accompany the popular English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Second Edition reference and practice book. 100 easy-to-use vocabulary tests for advanced learners of English. Test Your English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Second Edition book with answers can be used
Speakout Elementary Flexi Coursebook 1 Pack: Book 1 Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the
1279 руб
Полный курс английского языка. М.Г. Рубцова В книге представлена вся необходимая информация для изучения английского языка (включая самые важные сведения по фонетике). Грамматический материал дается
Speakout: Intermediate Workbook (+ CD-ROM) Speakout has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide and BBC Learning English. Speakout is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that builds confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support
919 руб
New Challenges 4: Workbook (+ CD) NEW CHALLENGES helps students become more effective learners and better citizens of the world through personal development. The information-driven approach in NEW CHALLENGES encourages teenagers to think about the world around them and provides lively achievable tasks, building their confidence,
779 руб
Английский язык. Таблицы глагольных форм Данное справочное пособие всемирно известной фирмы PONS содержит самую важную информации о спряжении английских глаголов. Подробно рассмотрено образование
Outcomes Elementary with Access Code and Class DVD Real situations, real language, real outcomes. The second edition of Outcomes is the only course that is consistently focused on helping students achieve the real world communicative outcomes they want and need. This lexically rich course emphasises students’ need to have the conversations in
English for Academics: Book 2 with Free Online Audio English for Academics is a communication skills course for academics who need to work and socialise in English. Aimed at B1 level and above, this two part series practises using English in a range of situations, from making small talk at a conference to giving a presentation, from reading a range
Английский язык. Базовый тренинг. Дмитрий Петров В книге изложен базовый курс английского языка по методу Дмитрия Петрова, адаптированный для самостоятельных занятий.В каждом уроке - большое количество
1079 руб
Читать, писать, говорить по-английски. С. П. Дугин Знать иностранный язык - это значит уметь читать, писать и, конечно, говорить на нем. Одна из самых распространенных ошибок у людей, пытающихся разговаривать на
English Unlimited: Elementary: Coursebook with e-Portfolio and Online Workbook Pack (+ DVD-ROM) English Unlimited is a six-level (A1 to C1) goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. The Cambridge online workbooks provide the course workbook content plus additional collaborative tools
Key Words for Fluency: Pre-Intermediate Key Words for Fluency Pre-Intermediate concentrates on those words which students need to communicate in English. It emphasises those very common words which occur in lots of different contexts and identifies around 150 nouns which are essential for fluency. Each unit deals with one word and on