The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Mark Twain Tom Sawyer, a shrewd and adventurous boy, is as much at home in the respectable world of his Aunt Polly as in the self-reliant and parentless world of his friend Huck Finn. The two enjoy a series of adventures, accidentally witnessing a murder, establishing the innocence of the man wrongly accused,
335 руб
Precaution / Предосторожность. James Fenimore Cooper Precaution is the fi rst novel written by American author James Fenimore Cooper. It was written in imitation of contemporary English domestic novels like those of Jane Austen and Amelia Opie. In the customary practice of the day Cooper was reading aloud to his wife one evening from a current
Sherlock Holmes: A Drama in Four Acts. Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. "Sherlock Holmes: A Drama in Four Acts" is a four-act play by William Gillette and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, based on several stories about the world-famous
Tales of the Jazz Age IX. F. S. Fitzgerald F. S. Fitzgerald was an American writer, whose works illustrate the Jazz Age. A collection of incredible short stories Tales of the Jazz Age IX brings to vivid life the dazzling excesses, stunning contrasts, and simmering unrest of a glittering
264 руб
Nuevo Prisma: A1: Student Book "nuevo Prisma es un curso de espa?ol estructurado en seis niveles que sigue un enfoque comunicativo, orientado a la accion y centrado en el alumno, con el fin de fomentar el aprendizaje de la lengua para la comunicacion en espa?ol dentro y fuera del aula.Este curso supone una evolucion de Prisma,
Close-Up B2 Workbook+Audio CD Interesting, topical and up?to?date, Close?Up is a new two?level B1-C1 course which makes English come alive through spectacular National Geographic photography and facts carefully selected to appeal to the inquisitive minds of young
356 руб
Русский язык. Е. Ф. Будде Читателю предлагается книга известного языковеда, профессора Казанского университета Е.Ф.Будде. Эта книга была задумана как попытка преодоления разрыва между
339 руб
Black Heart and White Heart. Haggard H.R. Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set largely in Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. His stories, situated at the lighter end of Victorian literature, continue to be popular and influential. In Black Heart and White Heart, Henry Rider Haggard
190 руб
Airport / Аэропорт. Arthur Hailey События романа разворачиваются в 1967 году в международном аэропорту штата Иллинойс. Затянувшийся снежный буран ломает привычный ход жизни не только пассажиров, но
177 руб
Lizzie Leigh and Other Stories. Elizabeth Gaskell Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer. This volume contains ten short stories, including touching and emotional Lizzie Leigh - a poignant tale about illicit love. It deals with the story of a young girl Lizzie who commits a sin and has to deal with
469 руб
Basil / Василий. Wilkie Collins William Wilkie Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. In Basil’s secret and unconsummated marriage to the linendraper’s sexually precocious daughter, and the shocking betrayal, insanity, and death that follow, Wilkie Collins reveals the bustling, commercial London
474 руб
Tales of Mystery. Doyle A.C. Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. This volume includes short mystery stories like "The Lost Special," "The Beetle-Hunter" and "The Man with the Watches," filled to the brim with suspense, wild twists, and
Vente 2: Libro del profesor (+ CD) "Vente 2" pretende ser una herramienta comoda у eficaz para ensenar, aprender у disfrutar del espanol en el aula. - Calidad de la secuencia didactica - Facilidad de utilizacion - Progresion realista - Trabajo sistematico de la gramatica - Plataforma -
1039 руб
Babbitt. Sinclair Lewis "Бэббитт" - роман, имя главного героя которого, Джорджа Бэббитта, стало нарицательным. Это собирательный образ американского преуспевающего мещанина лишенного
Русский язык в научном освещении, №2 (32), 2016 Вашему вниманию предлагается очередной номер журнала "Русский язык в научном освещении". Главные темы номера:Глаголы памяти: семантика, прагматика, синтаксис,Ни
589 руб
Jack and Jill. Louisa May Alcott Луиза Мэй Олкотт - известная американская писательница XIX века чьи романы читаемы и любимы до сих пор. "Джек и Джилл" - это сказочная книга которая придётся по душе
464 руб
Not Safe to Be Free. James Hadley Chase Сюжет романа разворачивается на пляже, отдыхая на котором, главный герой видит девушку, позирующую перед фотообъективом. Внезапно его посещает мысль о ее
149 руб
Armadale II / Армадейл 2. Wilkie Collins When the elderly Allan Armadale makes a terrible confession on his death-bed, he has little idea of the repercussions to come, for the secret he reveals involves the mysterious Lydia Gwilt: fl amed-hair temptress, bigamist, laudanum addict and husbandpoisoner.This traditional melodrama also
315 руб
Sketches by Boz I. Dickens C. This richly varied collection of observation, fancy and fiction shows the London he knew so intimately at its best and worst - its streets, theatres, inns, pawnshops, law courts, prisons, omnibuses and the river Thames - in honest and visionary descriptions of everyday life and people. We see the
Nuevas narraciones espanolas 3 - Cada libro contiene 50 historias breves cuyo protagonista es Tobias, un personaje simpatico y socarron. Las historias contienen numerosos ejemplos de las estructuras sintacticas y la morfologia gramatical mas frecuente en espanol.- Las expresiones idiomaticas y coloquiales que aparecen se
Испанский язык. Справочник по глаголам Это практическое пособие содержит самые употребительные глаголы. Основной критерий включения глагола в справочник - частота его использования в художественной
272 руб
Agencia Ele Basico Exercises: Book (+ CD) Libro de ejercicios adaptado a las directrices del Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes. Cubre los niveles A1 y A2 en un solo volumen.El equipo de autores (profesores de Institutos Cervantes, EOIs y universidades de prestigio) propone una metodología de vanguardia.Completa el libro de
Longmn Elementary Dictionary and Thesaurus The Pedagogical Guide, written by Dr. Kate Kinsella and Tonya Ward Singer, rovides resources that support integrating the Longman Elementary Dictionary and lesaurus into the classroom. This research-based guide offers practical and highly effective structional routines giving teachers clear
Miles Wallingford / Майлз Уоллингфорд. James Fenimore Cooper James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. The novel Afloat and Ashore ends abruptly part way through, and is
689 руб
Nostromo. Conrad Joseph Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard is a 1904 novel by Joseph Conrad, set in the fictitious South American republic of "Costaguana". The events described in the novel are typical for political life in underdeveloped countries. The author takes up the problem of imperialism and its corrupting action
Чистая грамматика. Е. Р. Ласкарева Книга адресована иностранцам, изучающим русский язык от уровня ТРКИ-1 (повторение и контроль) до уровня ТРКИ-2 и ТРКИ-3 (в некоторых случаях ТРКИ-4). В книге
759 руб
Испанский. Изучаем самостоятельно. Гейл Стейн Книга содержит интересные тексты, мини-словари, материалы по страноведению, информацию по этикету, а также ряд упражнений. В приложении даются ключи. Для всех,
Из истории синтаксиса русского языка. Т. П. Ломтев В предлагаемой читателю книге крупного отечественного языковеда, специалиста по общему, русскому и восточнославянскому языкознанию Т.П.Ломтева прослеживаются