Business English. Комплект из 4 книг. А. Петроченков Это учебное пособие серии Business English продолжает серию «Английский с Александром Петроченковым — быстро и эффективно». Пособие предназначено для обучения деловому
659 руб
Business English Handbook Advanced (+ CD) Comprehensive and challenging, this is the perfect book for advanced, ambitious learners of business English. For self-study or for the classroom, this is the definitive companion for high-level business English students. It provides intensive vocabulary input and practice followed by optional
Negotiating (+ CD) Helps learners of Business English develop the skills and language needed to negotiate confidently and effectively in both formal and informal business
How to Teach Business English How to Teach Business English is a practical guide to the teaching of business English. It looks at the special features of business English and includes: advice on course design and ways to select suitable materials; an analysis of the communication skills needed for business English;
Толковый словарь англо-русский. Ольга Николаева Данная работа представляет собой специализированный англо-русский толковый словарь наиболее часто употребляемых учетно-финансовых терминов. Содержит основные
The Business 2.0: B1 + Intermediate B1 (аудиокурс на 2 CD) Based on the success of the original edition, The Business 2.0 continues to offer Business English students the fundamentals and skills they need to succeed in the competitive international business
Наука управления. Стаффорд Бир В предлагаемой читателю книге крупнейшего специалиста в области исследования операций Стаффорда Бира Вниманию читателей предлагается книга крупнейшего
282 руб
Collins COBUILD Key Words for Finance Collins COBUILD Key Words for Finance is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the finance industry. The title contains the 500 most important words and phrases you will need to succeed and includes practice material to make sure you really learn them. This
747 руб
Cambridge: International Negotiations International Negotiations is an exciting new short course (15-20 hours) for Business English learners who want to excel at negotiating. Drawing on inspirational advice from leading experts in negotiation, International Negotiations takes students through the entire negotiation process, from
Market Leader: Leader Business English Practice File: Upper Intermediate (+ CD) The 3rd Edition Course Book includes: All new reading texts from the Financial Times. - All new case studies with opinions from successful consultants who work in the real world of business. - All new listening texts reflecting the global nature of business, with interviews that can be viewed on
899 руб
English for Business Life: Pre-Intermediate (аудиокурс CD) Part of a new four-level Business English course written specifically for those who are required to communicate effectively in the modern business environment. Throughout the preparation and testing of Business Life the focus has been on providing language which is essential for this purpose. The
759 руб
Market Leader: Upper Intermediate Business English Course Book (+ CD-ROM) "Market Leader: Upper Intermediate Business English Course Book" retains the dynamic and effective approach to business English that has made the course so successful in classes worldwide. With its new listening content and thoroughly updated material from authentic business sources such as the
2099 руб
Market Leader: Grammar and Usage Business Grammar and Usage provides business grammar and practice and supports students in their
1299 руб
Business Result: Intermediate (аудиокурс на 2 CD) Курс делового английского Business Result помогает учащимся развивать необходимые навыки делового общения быстро и эффективно. Это возможно благодаря программе,
779 руб
Business Vocabulary Builder: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate (+ CD) Business Vocabulary Builder is a business vocabulary and practice course for students with an intermediate level of English or above. Using the course will enrich your business vocabulary and enable you to express yourself more fluently and confidently in a professional context. The
Market Leader: Accounting and Finance Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and we apologise in advance for any unintentional omissions. We would be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgement in any subsequ
1149 руб
English for Emails (+ CD-ROM) English for Emails is part of the Express Series. It is the ideal quick course for anyone who needs to write emails in a business context. It can be used to supplement a regular coursebook, on its own, as a stand alone intensive specialist course, or for self-study. Keep English for Emails on your
English for Presentations (+ CD-ROM) Express Series – серия курсов английского языка для обучения профессиональной лексике представителей различных специальностей. Серия создана для тех, кому английский