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Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation: Treatment Options and Risk Assessment
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation: Treatment Options and Risk Assessment

Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation: Treatment Options and Risk Assessment

3516 руб

Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation, 3rd Edition is a quick and reliable reference for all those working in disciplines related to fertility, pregnancy, lactation, child health and human genetics who prescribe or deliver medicinal products, and to those who evaluate health and safety risks. Each chapter contains twofold information regarding drugs that are appropriate for prescription during pregnancy and an assessment of the risk of a drug when exposure during pregnancy has already occurred. Thoroughly updated with current regulations, references to the latest pharmacological data, and new medicinal products, this edition is a comprehensive resource covering latest knowledge and findings related to drugs during lactation and pregnancy.
Ширина упаковки160
Высота упаковки45
Глубина упаковки240
Автор на обложкеChristof Schaefer
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиТвердый переплет
Формат издания160x235
ИздательствоAcademic Press
Год выпуска2015
Количество страниц920
РедакторКристоф Шефер,Paul Peters,Richard K. Miller
Язык изданияАнглийский
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