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A Hermeneutics of Film
A Hermeneutics of Film

A Hermeneutics of Film

8390 руб

A Cinema of Poetry. A Hermeneutics of Discourse. For Pasolini and Paul Ricoeur, all understanding of our world and our selves takes place when we fashion the random events of our lives into narratives. How we construct these narratives is semiotics. How we understand them is hermeneutics. Pasolini says cinema is a language–“the written language of reality”–through which we can explore the sacred narratives of our past, our present, and our future. But what can we know of the future? The Hermeneutics of Film between these covers is a Pasolino-Ricoeurian methodology for readers seeking a semiotics of transcendence.
Ширина упаковки150
Высота упаковки10
Глубина упаковки220
Количество страниц268
Год выпуска2013
Автор на обложкеAdelmo Dunghe
Язык изданияАнглийский
ИздательствоScholars' Press
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