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George Michael: Up Close & Personal
George Michael: Up Close & Personal

George Michael: Up Close & Personal

1439 руб

Although George Michael has been out of the musical spotlight for some time now, his profile and legendary status as one of the UK s most talented and consistent male solo artists, performers and composers has never been shaken. And now, as George releases his first album of all new material in a decade, the great man is in line to take his place once more at the top table of pop royalty and of course, to storm charts across the world again. This DVD contains almost 90 minutes of filmed interviews with George taken from all eras of his life and career to date and during which a man of humour, honesty, decency and humility is revealed, often at odds with the image the media sometimes erroneously paint of this remarkable performer.
Ширина упаковки135
Высота упаковки15
Глубина упаковки190
НазваниеGeorge Michael: Up Close & Personal
ТипДокументальный фильм
Возрастные рекомендации0+
Длительность мин80
ДистрибьюторВолтэкс-инвест,I.V. Production
Формат изображенияWideScreen 16:9 (1.78:1)
Зона0 (All)
Количество слоевDVD-5 (1 слой)
УпаковкаKeep case
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