Abdelazer Or The Moor's Revenge Z570: Overture Abdelazer - Rondeau - Air - Air - Minuet,Abdelazer Or The Moor's Revenge Z570: Air - Jig - Hornpipe - Air,Abdelazer Or The Moor's Revenge Z570: Song: Lucinda Is Bewitching Fair,Distressed Innocence Or The Pricess Of Persia Z577: Overture,Distressed Innocence Or The Pricess Of Persia Z577: Air - Slow Air - Air - Hornpipe Or Jig Distressed Innocence Or The Pricess Of Persia Z577: Rondeau - Air - Minuet,The Married Beau Or The Curious Impertinent Z603: Overture,The Married Beau Or The Curious Impertinent Z603: Slow Air - Hornpipe,The Married Beau Or The Curious Impertinent Z603: Air - Hornpipe - Jig,The Married Beau Or The Curious Impertinent Z603: Trumpet Air - March - Hornpipe On A Ground,The Married Beau Or The Curious Impertinent Z603: Song: See Where Repenting Celia Lyes,The Gordian Knot Unty'd Z597: Overture,The Gordian Knot Unty'd Z597: Air - Rondeau Minuet - Air - Jig,The Gordian Knot Unty'd Z597: Chaconne - Air - Minuet,Sir Anthony Love Or The Rambling Lady Z588: Overture,Sir Anthony Love Or The Rambling Lady Z588: Pursuing Beauty,Sir Anthony Love Or The Rambling Lady Z588: No More, Sir, No More,Sir Anthony Love Or The Rambling Lady Z588: In Vain Clemene,Sir Anthony Love Or The Rambling Lady Z588: Ground,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Overture,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Air - Hornpipe - Air,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Hornpipe - Air - Minuet,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Jack, Thou'rt A Toper,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Hear Us, Great,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Hear, Ye Gods Of Britain,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Sing, Sing, Ye Druids,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Divine Andante, President Of War,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: To Arms,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Britons Strike Home!,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: O Lead Me To Some Peaceful Gloom,Circe Z575: We Must Assemble By A Sacrifice,Circe Z575: Their Necessary Aid You Use,Circe Z575: Come Every Demon,Circe Z575: Lovers Who To Their First Embraces Go,Circe Z575: Magicians' Dance . . . Pluto, Arise!,The Virtuous Wife Or Good Luck At Last, Z611: Overture,The Virtuous Wife Or Good Luck At Last, Z611: Song Tune - Slow Air - Air,The Virtuous Wife Or Good Luck At Last, Z611: Preludio - Hornpipe - Minuet - Minuet (1st Act Tune),The Old Bachelor Z607: Overture,The Old Bachelor Z607: Hornpipe,The Old Bachelor Z607: Thus To A Ripe Consenting Maid,The Old Bachelor Z607: Slow Air - Hornpipe,The Old Bachelor Z607: As Amoret And Thyrsis Lay,The Old Bachelor Z607: Rondeau - Menuet - Boree - March - Jig,Overture In G Minor Z770,Don Quixote Z578: Sing All Ye Muses,Don Quixote Z578: When The World First Knew Creation,Don Quixote Z578: Let The Dreadful Engines Of Eternal Will,Don Quixote Z578: With This Sacred Charming Wand,Don Quixote Z578: Since Times Are So Bad,Don Quixote Z578: Genius Of England,Don Quixote Z578: Lads And Lasses, Blithe And Gay,Don Quixote Z578: From Rosie Bow'rs,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Overture,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Saraband,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Celia, That I Once Was Blest,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Hornpipe - Scotch Tune,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: For Iris I Sigh,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Air - Minuet - Hornpipe,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Fair Iris And Her Swain,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Bourree,The Double Dealer Z592: Overture,The Double Dealer Z592: Hornpipe-Minuet-Air-Hornpipe,The Double Dealer Z592: Cynthia Frowns,The Double Dealer Z592: Minuet-Minuet-Air-Air,The Richmond Heiress Or A Woman Once In The Right Z608: Behold The Man,The Rival Sisters Or The Violence Of Love Z609: Overture,The Rival Sisters Or The Violence Of Love Z609: Celia Has A Thousand Charms,The Rival Sisters Or The Violence Of Love Z609: Take Not A Woman's Anger Ill,The Rival Sisters Or The Violence Of Love Z609: How Happy, How Happy Is She,Henry The Second, King Of England Z580: In Vain, 'Gainst Love, In Vain I Strove,Tyrannic Love Or The Royal Martyr Z613: Hark! My Damilcar!,Tyrannic Love Or The Royal Martyr Z613: Ah! How Sweet It Is To Love,Overture In G Minor Z772,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Prepare, The Rites Begin,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Can'st Thou, Marina,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: The Gate To Bliss,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Hark! Hark! Behold The Heavn'ly Choir,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Now The Fight's Done,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Sad As Death At Dead Of Night,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Dream No More Of Pleasures Past,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Hail To The Myrtle Shade,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Ah! Cruel, Bloody Fate,The Libertine Or The Libertine Destroyed Z600: Nymphs And Shepherds,The Libertine Or The Libertine Destroyed Z600: We Come,The Libertine Or The Libertine Destroyed Z600: Prelude,The Libertine Or The Libertine Destroyed Z600: Prepare, Prepare, New Guests Draw Near,The Libertine Or The Libertine Destroyed Z600: To Arms, Heroic Prince,The Massacre Of Paris Z604: Thy Genius, Lo! (2 Settings),Oedipus Z583: Hear, Ye Sullen Powers Below,Oedipus Z583: Music For A While,Oedipus Z583: Come Away, Do Not Stay...Laius! Hear, Hear,Overture In D Minor Z771,The History Of King Richard The Second (The Sicilian Usurper) Z581:Retir'd From Any Mortal's Sight,Sir Barnaby Whigg Or No Wit Like A Woman's Z589: Blow, Blow, Boreas, Blow,Sophonisba Or Hannibal's Overthrow Z590: Beneath The Poplar's Shadow,The English Lawyer Z594: My Wife Has A Tongue,A Fool's Preferment Or The Three Dukes Of Dunstable Z571: I Sigh'd, And I Pin'd...There's Nothing So Fatal As Woman,A Fool's Preferment Or The Three Dukes Of Dunstable Z571: Fled Is My Love...'Tis Death Alone...I'll Mount To Yon Blue,A Fool's Preferment Or The Three Dukes Of Dunstable Z571: I'll Sail Upon The Dog-Star,A Fool's Preferment Or The Three Dukes Of Dunstable Z571: Jenny, 'Gin You Can Love,A Fool's Preferment Or The Three Dukes Of Dunstable Z571: If Thou Wilt Give Me Back My Love,The Indian Emperor Or The Conquest Of Mexico Z598: I Look'd And Saw Within,The Knight Of Malta Z599: At The Close Of The Ev'ning,A Dialogue Between Thirsis And Daphne Z525: Why, My Daphne, Why Complaining,The Wife's Excuse, Or Cuckolds Make Themselves Z612: Ingrateful Love!,The Wife's Excuse, Or Cuckolds Make Themselves Z612: Hang This Whining Way Of Wooing,The Wife's Excuse, Or Cuckolds Make Themselves Z612: Say; Cruel Amoret...Corinna, I Excuse Thy Face,Cleomenes, The Spartan Hero Z576: No, No, Poor Suff'ring Heart,Regulus Or The Faction Of Carthage Z586: Ah Me! To Many Deaths,The Marriage-Hater Match'd Z602: As Soon As The Chaos...How Vile Are The Sordid Intregues,Love Triumphant Or Nature Will Prevail Z582: How Happy's The Husband,Rule A Wife And Have A Wife Z587: There's Not A Swain,The Female Virtuosos Z596: Love, Thou Art Best,Epsom Wells Z579: Leave These Useless Arts,The Maid's Last Prayer, Or Any Rather Than Fail Z601: Though You Make No Return,The Maid's Last Prayer, Or Any Rather Than Fail Z601: No, Resistance Is But Vain,The Maid's Last Prayer, Or Any Rather Than Fail Z601: Tell Me No More,Aureng-Zebe Or The Great Mogul Z573: I See, She Flies Me,The Canterbury Guests Or A Bargain Broken Z591: Good Neighbour Why?,The Fatal Marriage Or The Innocent Adultery Z595: The Danger Is Over,The Fatal Marriage Or The Innocent Adultery Z595: I Sigh'd And Owned My Love,The Spanish Friar Or The Double Discovery Z610: Whilst I With Grief,Pausanius, The Betrayer Of His Country Z585: Sweeter Than Roses,Pausanius, The Betrayer Of His Country. Z585: My Dearest, My Fairest,The Mock Marriage Z605: Oh! How You Protest...'Twas Within A Furlong,Oroonoko Z584: Celemene, Pray Tell Me,Pavan No.1 In A Major Z748,Pavan No.2 In A Minor Z749,Pavan No.3 In B Flat A 3 Z750,Pavan No.4 In G Minor Z751,Pavan No.5 In G Minor A 4 Z752,Trio Sonata, For Violin, Bass Viol And Organ Z780,Chacony Z730