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Purcell. Theatre Music (6 CD)
Purcell. Theatre Music (6 CD)

Purcell. Theatre Music (6 CD)

2319 руб

Ширина упаковки125
Высота упаковки20
Глубина упаковки140
АльбомыPurcell. Theatre Music
ЗаписьAbdelazer Or The Moor's Revenge Z570: Overture Abdelazer - Rondeau - Air - Air - Minuet,Abdelazer Or The Moor's Revenge Z570: Air - Jig - Hornpipe - Air,Abdelazer Or The Moor's Revenge Z570: Song: Lucinda Is Bewitching Fair,Distressed Innocence Or The Pricess Of Persia Z577: Overture,Distressed Innocence Or The Pricess Of Persia Z577: Air - Slow Air - Air - Hornpipe Or Jig Distressed Innocence Or The Pricess Of Persia Z577: Rondeau - Air - Minuet,The Married Beau Or The Curious Impertinent Z603: Overture,The Married Beau Or The Curious Impertinent Z603: Slow Air - Hornpipe,The Married Beau Or The Curious Impertinent Z603: Air - Hornpipe - Jig,The Married Beau Or The Curious Impertinent Z603: Trumpet Air - March - Hornpipe On A Ground,The Married Beau Or The Curious Impertinent Z603: Song: See Where Repenting Celia Lyes,The Gordian Knot Unty'd Z597: Overture,The Gordian Knot Unty'd Z597: Air - Rondeau Minuet - Air - Jig,The Gordian Knot Unty'd Z597: Chaconne - Air - Minuet,Sir Anthony Love Or The Rambling Lady Z588: Overture,Sir Anthony Love Or The Rambling Lady Z588: Pursuing Beauty,Sir Anthony Love Or The Rambling Lady Z588: No More, Sir, No More,Sir Anthony Love Or The Rambling Lady Z588: In Vain Clemene,Sir Anthony Love Or The Rambling Lady Z588: Ground,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Overture,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Air - Hornpipe - Air,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Hornpipe - Air - Minuet,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Jack, Thou'rt A Toper,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Hear Us, Great,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Hear, Ye Gods Of Britain,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Sing, Sing, Ye Druids,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Divine Andante, President Of War,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: To Arms,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: Britons Strike Home!,Bonduca Or The British Heroine: O Lead Me To Some Peaceful Gloom,Circe Z575: We Must Assemble By A Sacrifice,Circe Z575: Their Necessary Aid You Use,Circe Z575: Come Every Demon,Circe Z575: Lovers Who To Their First Embraces Go,Circe Z575: Magicians' Dance . . . Pluto, Arise!,The Virtuous Wife Or Good Luck At Last, Z611: Overture,The Virtuous Wife Or Good Luck At Last, Z611: Song Tune - Slow Air - Air,The Virtuous Wife Or Good Luck At Last, Z611: Preludio - Hornpipe - Minuet - Minuet (1st Act Tune),The Old Bachelor Z607: Overture,The Old Bachelor Z607: Hornpipe,The Old Bachelor Z607: Thus To A Ripe Consenting Maid,The Old Bachelor Z607: Slow Air - Hornpipe,The Old Bachelor Z607: As Amoret And Thyrsis Lay,The Old Bachelor Z607: Rondeau - Menuet - Boree - March - Jig,Overture In G Minor Z770,Don Quixote Z578: Sing All Ye Muses,Don Quixote Z578: When The World First Knew Creation,Don Quixote Z578: Let The Dreadful Engines Of Eternal Will,Don Quixote Z578: With This Sacred Charming Wand,Don Quixote Z578: Since Times Are So Bad,Don Quixote Z578: Genius Of England,Don Quixote Z578: Lads And Lasses, Blithe And Gay,Don Quixote Z578: From Rosie Bow'rs,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Overture,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Saraband,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Celia, That I Once Was Blest,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Hornpipe - Scotch Tune,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: For Iris I Sigh,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Air - Minuet - Hornpipe,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Fair Iris And Her Swain,Amphitryon, Or The Two Sosias Z572: Bourree,The Double Dealer Z592: Overture,The Double Dealer Z592: Hornpipe-Minuet-Air-Hornpipe,The Double Dealer Z592: Cynthia Frowns,The Double Dealer Z592: Minuet-Minuet-Air-Air,The Richmond Heiress Or A Woman Once In The Right Z608: Behold The Man,The Rival Sisters Or The Violence Of Love Z609: Overture,The Rival Sisters Or The Violence Of Love Z609: Celia Has A Thousand Charms,The Rival Sisters Or The Violence Of Love Z609: Take Not A Woman's Anger Ill,The Rival Sisters Or The Violence Of Love Z609: How Happy, How Happy Is She,Henry The Second, King Of England Z580: In Vain, 'Gainst Love, In Vain I Strove,Tyrannic Love Or The Royal Martyr Z613: Hark! My Damilcar!,Tyrannic Love Or The Royal Martyr Z613: Ah! How Sweet It Is To Love,Overture In G Minor Z772,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Prepare, The Rites Begin,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Can'st Thou, Marina,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: The Gate To Bliss,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Hark! Hark! Behold The Heavn'ly Choir,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Now The Fight's Done,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Sad As Death At Dead Of Night,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Dream No More Of Pleasures Past,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Hail To The Myrtle Shade,Theodosius Or The Force Of Love Z606: Ah! Cruel, Bloody Fate,The Libertine Or The Libertine Destroyed Z600: Nymphs And Shepherds,The Libertine Or The Libertine Destroyed Z600: We Come,The Libertine Or The Libertine Destroyed Z600: Prelude,The Libertine Or The Libertine Destroyed Z600: Prepare, Prepare, New Guests Draw Near,The Libertine Or The Libertine Destroyed Z600: To Arms, Heroic Prince,The Massacre Of Paris Z604: Thy Genius, Lo! (2 Settings),Oedipus Z583: Hear, Ye Sullen Powers Below,Oedipus Z583: Music For A While,Oedipus Z583: Come Away, Do Not Stay...Laius! Hear, Hear,Overture In D Minor Z771,The History Of King Richard The Second (The Sicilian Usurper) Z581:Retir'd From Any Mortal's Sight,Sir Barnaby Whigg Or No Wit Like A Woman's Z589: Blow, Blow, Boreas, Blow,Sophonisba Or Hannibal's Overthrow Z590: Beneath The Poplar's Shadow,The English Lawyer Z594: My Wife Has A Tongue,A Fool's Preferment Or The Three Dukes Of Dunstable Z571: I Sigh'd, And I Pin'd...There's Nothing So Fatal As Woman,A Fool's Preferment Or The Three Dukes Of Dunstable Z571: Fled Is My Love...'Tis Death Alone...I'll Mount To Yon Blue,A Fool's Preferment Or The Three Dukes Of Dunstable Z571: I'll Sail Upon The Dog-Star,A Fool's Preferment Or The Three Dukes Of Dunstable Z571: Jenny, 'Gin You Can Love,A Fool's Preferment Or The Three Dukes Of Dunstable Z571: If Thou Wilt Give Me Back My Love,The Indian Emperor Or The Conquest Of Mexico Z598: I Look'd And Saw Within,The Knight Of Malta Z599: At The Close Of The Ev'ning,A Dialogue Between Thirsis And Daphne Z525: Why, My Daphne, Why Complaining,The Wife's Excuse, Or Cuckolds Make Themselves Z612: Ingrateful Love!,The Wife's Excuse, Or Cuckolds Make Themselves Z612: Hang This Whining Way Of Wooing,The Wife's Excuse, Or Cuckolds Make Themselves Z612: Say; Cruel Amoret...Corinna, I Excuse Thy Face,Cleomenes, The Spartan Hero Z576: No, No, Poor Suff'ring Heart,Regulus Or The Faction Of Carthage Z586: Ah Me! To Many Deaths,The Marriage-Hater Match'd Z602: As Soon As The Chaos...How Vile Are The Sordid Intregues,Love Triumphant Or Nature Will Prevail Z582: How Happy's The Husband,Rule A Wife And Have A Wife Z587: There's Not A Swain,The Female Virtuosos Z596: Love, Thou Art Best,Epsom Wells Z579: Leave These Useless Arts,The Maid's Last Prayer, Or Any Rather Than Fail Z601: Though You Make No Return,The Maid's Last Prayer, Or Any Rather Than Fail Z601: No, Resistance Is But Vain,The Maid's Last Prayer, Or Any Rather Than Fail Z601: Tell Me No More,Aureng-Zebe Or The Great Mogul Z573: I See, She Flies Me,The Canterbury Guests Or A Bargain Broken Z591: Good Neighbour Why?,The Fatal Marriage Or The Innocent Adultery Z595: The Danger Is Over,The Fatal Marriage Or The Innocent Adultery Z595: I Sigh'd And Owned My Love,The Spanish Friar Or The Double Discovery Z610: Whilst I With Grief,Pausanius, The Betrayer Of His Country Z585: Sweeter Than Roses,Pausanius, The Betrayer Of His Country. Z585: My Dearest, My Fairest,The Mock Marriage Z605: Oh! How You Protest...'Twas Within A Furlong,Oroonoko Z584: Celemene, Pray Tell Me,Pavan No.1 In A Major Z748,Pavan No.2 In A Minor Z749,Pavan No.3 In B Flat A 3 Z750,Pavan No.4 In G Minor Z751,Pavan No.5 In G Minor A 4 Z752,Trio Sonata, For Violin, Bass Viol And Organ Z780,Chacony Z730
Автор музыкиГенри Перселл
Тип упаковкиJewel Case
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