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The Cambridge Companion to the Poetry of the First World War
The Cambridge Companion to the Poetry of the First World War

The Cambridge Companion to the Poetry of the First World War

2836 руб

The poetry of the First World War remains a singularly popular and powerful body of work. This Companion brings together leading scholars in the field to re-examine First World War poetry in English at the start of the centennial commemoration of the war. It offers historical and critical contexts, fresh readings of the important soldier-poets, and investigations of the war poetry of women and civilians, Georgians and Anglo-American modernists and of poetry from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the former British colonies. The volume explores the range and diversity of this body of work, its rich afterlife and the expanding horizons and reconfiguration of the term "First World War Poetry". Complete with a detailed chronology and guide to further reading, the Companion concludes with a conversation with three poets - Michael Longley, Andrew Motion and Jon Stallworthy - about why and how the war and its poetry continue to resonate with us.
Ширина упаковки160
Высота упаковки22
Глубина упаковки235
СерияCambridge Companions to Literature
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиТвердый переплет
Формат издания160x235
ИздательствоCambridge University Press
ISBN9781107018235, 978-1-107-01823-5
Год выпуска2013
Количество страниц344
РедакторSantanu Das
Язык изданияАнглийский
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