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New Routes to Human Services: Information and Referral
New Routes to Human Services: Information and Referral

New Routes to Human Services: Information and Referral

2836 руб

"A state of the art compendium of the I&R of the new millennium. Emphasizing technology, it also addresses operational issues, staffing, training, standards, organizational contexts of operation, and the proliferation of I&R services over time and geography..." Susan Sarnoff, DSW, Assistant Professor and Graduate Chair, Ohio University Department of Social Work "This book updates the vast social, demographic, political and organizational patterns in the web of human services. From the organizational structure of this book, it should have utility and appeal across a fairly broad array of professionals - certainly I&R providers, but as importantly for human service planners and evaluators, and policy makers". Karen S. Haynes, PhD, President, University of Houston-Victoria "Levinson is one of the founding mothers of the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems...through this new book, she continues to lend her depth of knowledge toward the advancement of the field". Leta K. Weintraub, President, New York State Alliance for Information Referral Systems
Ширина упаковки220
Высота упаковки20
Глубина упаковки290
Автор на обложкеRisha W. Levinson
АвторRisha W. Levinson
СерияSpringer Series on Social Work
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип обложкиТвердый переплет
ИздательствоSpringer Publishing Company
Год выпуска2002
Количество страниц224
Язык изданияАнглийский
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