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How are You? А2 - В1: Game
How are You? А2 - В1: Game

How are You? А2 - В1: Game

1029 руб

How are you? is a card game with an illustrated playing board. Players have to reach the finish line by overcoming a series of trials relating to the body, well-being and a healthy lifestyle, such as simple physical exercises. Players need to use their language and descriptive skills to play this fun game which encourages learning, revision and the correct use of the English language.The game consists of:• a playing board;• a numbered dice;• a dice with coloured faces (yellow, blue, orange, purple, red, green);• 132 game cards divided in six categories;• an instruction booklet containing ideas for extra activities.
Ширина упаковки150
Высота упаковки40
Глубина упаковки220
СерияLet's play in English
Тип изданияОтдельное издание
Тип упаковкиКоробка
ИздательствоELI s.r.l.
Год выпуска2017
Язык изданияАнглийский
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